529 E Peltason Dr, Irvine

Dear Glenda, 

Once more, you are going to realize that you never know enough. Ten weeks ago, you became a college student. It is the moment you ferociously worked for your entire life. Has it been what you expected? No, It has been even more meaningful yet challenging than you visualized it. Academically speaking, the habits you forged throughout the years are still effective. Keep doing spaced studying and encouraging yourself to feel uncomfortable. Periodically refreshing the content you learned through application questions is a scientifically backed-up study strategy. The feeling of frustration or discomfort you get while solving problems is a signal that you are strengthening connections between neurons, the more you recall that memory, the more accessible it becomes, that is how learning feels and looks like. 

Nevertheless, you are going to be challenged. Some core beliefs you have sustained are going to be dismantled. In your Social Problems class – a random elective class you chose–you will dissect a study that contrasts the academic behaviors of low-income students compared to middle-class students. If I ask you how does a successful student behave? You will have in mind someone independent, polite, and responsible–it sounds like you indeed– but in the study, the middle-class students who use so-called strategies of influence (treat teachers as resources, try to avoid consequences of their actions, ask for help), are more academically successful. Furthermore, those who display deference strategies–working-class students– tend to be first-generation college dropouts. Shocking, right? You are going to change your ways dramatically. You are going to have to bomb Professors with questions and urgently demand help and attention every time you are stuck; forget about “being a bother” or wasting valuable time trying to figure it out yourself, you have to become the opposite of what you have been taught your whole life. 

Finally, don’t get desperate about making friends. Changing how you behave academically will also lead you to revamp your social life. You will take the lead to make strangers become intimate friends…and will fail. You will notice that the people you want to be friends with do not align with what you need at the time. Drop your idealizations, respect your priorities, and keep your boundaries in mind–you will find the friends you need. At the same time, I am impressed and proud of how you have worked to reconnect to yourself; keep on giving compliments, turning banal conversations into therapy sessions, prompting doors, reminding people how valuable they are, and doing whatever you find satisfaction in. 

Best wishes, 

Yourself (one day away from finals week). 

A Letter to Myself Ten Weeks Ago…

Letter to Self

Dear Lucas, from the beginning of my first quarter at UC Irvine,

Congrats on starting your new academic journey at UCI! I know you might feel a little nervous and overwhelmed by the amount of things you can do as you partake in your first years as an independent person. But don’t you worry, take things one step at a time, and ease your way in. Start by meeting new people, which can include talking to people in your residence hall, going to random club meetings, or just attending UCI events!

You’ve made a few new friends?! Great! Your first midterm is already coming up! Make sure to plan out your days efficiently to ensure that you are on track to understanding all of the material you’re learning in class. The biggest mistake a college student can make is not creating a weekly schedule and following an organized calendar that plans what they will be doing each day. PLANNING IS ESSENTIAL: if you are not setting dedicated hours throughout the day to tasks like studying, trying new things, etc., then you’re not making great use of your time. So, don’t slack off, stay off of social media, and try as many new things as possible!

There are so many new things to do and try during your time at UC Irvine! I know that you’re going to get involved in active life clubs, play basketball, and hit the gym, but did you know there are night classes at the ARC? I know it might be a little far from where you are living, but try committing to at least one activity at the ARC for a quarter to see how you’ll like it. There are so many activities to choose from, ranging from martial arts classes, cooking classes, and the many sports to try out! This is also a great opportunity to meet new people with whom you will share a common interest in doing the same activities.

Although it is a great way to relax by doing fun activities here and there, it is also important to make time for studying and building relationships with your professors and TAs. Going back to planning your weekly/daily planners, I suggest trying to work your daily tasks around TA and professor office hours, so if you need to attend them for extra help, you’ll have the time to do so.

It will seem like a lot at first, but by following a strict schedule, you will meet all of your deadlines for your classes, make lots of time for outside activities, and have days for yourself where you can sit back and relax (just don’t do this too often).

Remember, it is ok if things don’t work out or if you make mistakes—those are all a part of your journey as a college student. Feel good about yourself and treat yourself when you succeed and learn from your mistakes. College will be a great opportunity for both your academic and personal growth, make the most of that while you continue your time at UC Irvine.

