I know I can’t be the only one. Did the break fly by fast? Whenever I go home, I feel very relaxed. In my eyes, everything is moving a hundred miles an hour at school: I am always doing so much, but there is always more that can be done. The first few days of break did feel very calm, but as more of my friends started to come back home, it was almost like I was a senior in high school again just enjoying another break from school. As I spent the majority of my time during break catching up with friends and family, it was already the new year, meaning classes would start again in a few short days.
With my mind off school for a few weeks, I knew it was time to refocus and develop a plan for the upcoming quarter. Reflecting on the fall, I realized that I had similar habits to what I had in high school. This consisted of being slightly distracted during class and doing catch-up work on my own time, which often led to staying up late and having low energy the following day. While pushing through with these methods worked most of the time, I knew it was not sustainable and was bailed out with long weekends and Thanksgiving break. I started to think about the courses that I have for this winter quarter and I now know that those old habits must go.
Although it has only been two weeks, I can already tell that I have far more homework on concepts that are much more difficult to grasp than in the fall. So far, since my classes are later each day a few times I week, I try to get up early and review the material that will be covered in the lecture, especially for math. Now that my classes are more directed to a major I am interested in (Economics), I do feel a bit more pressure to do well in these classes. Not only to declare a major but also because the classes this quarter are so foundational for the entirety of the subject.
Anyways, I hope everyone had a relaxing break and is excited to be back on campus. I wish everyone the best of luck for the rest of this quarter, and a happy new year!