What I’ve Been Up To :)

I hope everyone has been good so far this quarter, I know the weather has been a bit erratic, but I hope some of you could get some time in the sun. Here is a picture of my roommates and I at Corona Del Mar last Thursday.

As I have been trying to figure out what I am looking to study next I have been looking to get involved in more academic clubs. I went to the Undergraduate Business Association meeting with a Venture Capital Analyst guest speaker this past week. I have been going to these meetings for the first few weeks of this quarter and have found them very interesting, nudging me towards studying something Business or Economics.

As I have touched on in previous posts, I make sure to prioritize my health now that I am in college. I make sure to get a bit of exercise each day whether it be playing soccer at the ARC, working out in the Mesa gym, or going for a run and catching a nice sunset like this one.

Last weekend, my dad came down from the Bay Area for a work meeting here and we were able to go up to Santa Monica and Venice Beach for the day. It is always nice to see someone from home to remind you that you are never alone. As you may see in the photo, there it was pretty cloudy, and moments I after I took this, my dad and I got soaked.

The quarter seems to be flying by, and I can’t believe it is already week 4. Even though these past few weeks have been nice and relaxing overall back on campus, that had to end at some point. I, unfortunately, have my first midterm tomorrow for my math class, wish me luck!