Taking one look at this map of my brain during freshman year of college you’d think it was a cluttered mess, and yeah, it kind of is. That’s because I’ve decided to take on so many new things while diving deeper into pre-existing skills and joys of mine this year. During highschool, I never had the time to do anything I enjoyed, or put my time towards exploring what it was that I wanted to do in the future, but now I’ve had the freedom to do so in college. I have time to take care of myself, like planning times during the week where I can workout at the arc, or join sports clubs to keep me active. I have time to explore things that I enjoy by joining clubs like KKAP’s dance club and get to be a part of a big community and participate in meaningful events. And most importantly, I have more time to focus doing what I need to do to gain the skills needed for the future I want for myself by taking my freetime to work on creative projects on top of class projects to further develop a portfolio of work that I can be proud of and to hopefully gain new skills that I never had time to learn in the past. The way I structured my brain map above showed which aspects of my college life where most important to me by the size of their shape that takes up space in my brain. A lot of the shapes seem to be around the same size, but I’d say that the one that should take up the most for me would be the hobbies/portfolio apsect (I didn’t know whether to bunch those two together because I guess my mini projects would be considered a hobby too?) I’d say I’ve spent the most amount of time during my freshman year on doing random projects on my own time, such as creating my own boardgames, writing screenplays, and re-creating scenes from movies in Blender.

(Here’s a quick look at the current project I’ve been working on. I’m trying to re-learn aspects in Blender that I tried to learn long ago but had completely forgotten abt sooo now I’m doing it by trying to re-create one of the scenes from the Lego Ninjago Movie….idk why I just wanted to do smth with legos heheh)
These types of projects help me develop skills and experiences that I’ll need if I want to work in the animation or entertainment industry like I’m hoping to do, so they definitely aren’t a waste of time, but I have to be mindful of the other responsibilties I have as a student. Making sure that you have a balanced set of things you do in your daily life as a freshman in college is very important. It’s good to strive to do things that keep you healthy and on top of your game, things that connect you with people who can push you forward, and things that you love and can help you gain new skills. Keeping that idea of a balanced daily life will help make your freshman year at college more enjoyable and worthwhile. (Also I just realized I forgot to post last times blog post about what I’ve been up to, so keep an eye out for that today too cause I got so pretty epic stuff to share about that I’ve been working on!!
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