Taking Care of Your Mental Health😌💜

There are many things that are happening in the world right now, and while they are important to talk about, I want to touch on something that is often dismissed and that is our mental health. With these times, it is crucial to look after yourself, physically and mentally.

This is purely coincidental, but it also happens to be Mental Health Awareness Month (May)! What are some ways to combat your mental health declining?

  1. Remember to take care of yourself physically
    1. Take walks outside (stay safe!), get enough sleep, drink enough water, and try to eat healthily! Try meditating or writing in a journal to help sort through your thoughts! I personally journal the most out of all these activities and it really helps me set an intention for that day and be aware of how and why I am feeling a certain way. 
    2. If you want to learn more about meditating, here’s a helpful website: https://www.mindful.org/how-to-meditate/
  2. Have/Get a support system
    1. Especially right now, it is important to surround yourself with those who love and support you. Even if you think there is no one there, there are many support groups that you can join and talk with about what is causing your distress. 
  3. Try counseling!
    1. If you’re a UC student, you have access to free counseling so if you ever think you need it, there are resources on campus that can help you through it. You have many options, and going to a counselor will help you understand what causes your stress and how to deal with it in the future as well. 
    2. For UCI students, here is the link to our counseling center: https://counseling.uci.edu/

Mindset is also just as important to help your mental health. The word “positive” doesn’t mean to always be happy and to just ignore every bad thing that has happened; it means that believing that everything will get better. So how can you practice this mindset?

  1. Practice Gratitude
    1. One thing that helped me was writing what I was grateful for at the end of the day. It doesn’t have to be some grand gesture someone did for you and you don’t have to write a lot either. It could be as simple as someone asking how your day was. What does writing it down help with? It helps you savor the moment; it helps keep the moment you felt happy in your mind a little longer. 
  2. Avoid negative thinking
    1. I know this seems hard. It isn’t, but it does take time. First, identify what makes you feel that way, and focus on finding a way to not have to feel that again. Also, before going into that mindset, you could also try asking yourself, “Is this really worth my energy?” If you really cannot stop thinking about it, stop whatever you are doing, and do something physical like taking a walk or painting; something that will distract your mind. 

I hope these tips were helpful! Remember these are just a few and there are many more ways to help yourself with your mental health journey.

Take care! 🤗

One thought on “Taking Care of Your Mental Health😌💜

  1. 『The word “positive” doesn’t mean to always be happy and to just ignore every bad thing that has happened; it means that believing that everything will get better. 』

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