Hello everyone, it is Jack here again and I hope that everyone had a great winter break! As winter break comes to an end and the winter quarter begins and as many Anteaters take their first steps back on campus for 2024, I would like to write about my fall quarter and how it has impacted my beliefs for the winter quarter.
My first quarter, as it was for a lot of people, was a time of learning for me. Not only learning about subjects in the classroom, but about how the school works, all of the activities and events that are available for students and about Irvine and Orange County in general. It was a new experience my first few weeks as I had never really been to the school or area before I attended orientation and since my orientation was only a day, I still did not know much about the campus. Now that I have been here for a quarter I know a lot more about how the school operates and what exists on campus, but I still believe I have a lot more to learn about it. The point of this being that I felt rushed the first few weeks as I moved in, then there were some large events the first few days and then school started immediately after. One of the things that I considered to change this quarter was the preparations that I made. One of these preparations was the amount of time that I spent at school before the quarter started. In the fall I arrived the day before everything started to begin and now in the winter I have been here for around a half of a week before instruction is to begin. This has allowed me to sort out whatever I had left on campus from the fall, to get proper preparation for the winter and to be able to feel adjusted to what life is like on campus before everything begins for the quarter.
I am excited to continue on my undeclared journey this quarter as I take some courses which are in different subjects from the ones which I took in the fall. This also makes me excited to meet new people who are studying in these subjects as I was able to meet a lot of people in my residence hall as a result of them being in my courses last quarter. There are a lot of exciting activities which will be taking place near the end of the quarter, so I hope I will have the opportunity to share them.
These are just some of my thoughts coming into the winter quarter. I hope that all students have a good start to their winter quarter and everyone else has a good start to 2024! Zot Zot Zot!