My Last Two Weeks in Pics!

I’ve been pretty much chilling for the past two weeks, preparing for and finishing up some of my first midterms of this quarter and getting lots of homework done. But I’ve also had lots of time to do some fun things. I’ll share some pictures of my past two weeks with you!

Caption for photo above: This was a photo I took at Hillcrest Park in Fullerton, California. It was taken during the evening, where we get a nice and late sunset view of the city. The main highlight of this park would be the few hundred stairsteps that lead up to this viewpoint. It is like a mini trail with LOTS of incline. I did about four sets going up and down those steps, and I was already sweating like crazy by the end of my second set. If you’re into all things active, definitely check this place out! Great for cardio!

Caption for the two photos above: This was a photo that I took at a Japanese marketplace called Mitsuwa Marketplace (this one was in Costa Mesa), which has a huge variety of different Japanese foods. I was treated by my Auntie and Grandpa to some very tasty ramen, and matcha puffed pastries! Mitsuwa Marketplace has several mini restaurants that range from Japanese curry to sushi, to ramen, and many other traditional dishes—perfect if you’re craving Japanese food. There are also many goodies and produce that come directly from Japan and are sold here!

Caption for the three photos above: These are a few photos that I took from my last weekend’s trip to Newport Beach. We got some nice views of the houses along Newport Beach and a cool shot of the basketball courts. I’m really proud of my basketball court photo because it looks like it’s floating in the sky! Unfortunately, I and my friends went on a bad day since it was raining most of the time (none of us bothered to check the pouring hours); however, I came prepared with an umbrella that could barely cover two people, so the rest of my friends got soaked. Next time we’ll know NOT to go to Newport Beach on a rainy day.

Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!

All the best,


Outlining My Winter Quarter Game Plan

My first Fall Quarter at UC Irvine was a rollercoaster of an experience. There was so much to take in, but everything went by quickly. It involved a lot of navigating, exploring, and time management that helped me get a feel of college life and how to live individually. Along the way, I have learned many new ways to get my daily tasks in order and how to navigate through UC Irvine resources so that I could finish my first quarter strong.

One of my biggest challenges last quarter was learning how to first manage my time from day to day. I found it difficult because I had quite a bit of lenient time to do the things I wanted, and I overindulged in that. When I first had the freedom to choose to do whatever I wanted, I idiotically used most of my time to do fun things, which pushed back study and homework time. A change that I will be making for this winter quarter to combat procrastination and poor time management is using a timer that I got from Amazon for around $17 (picture and link of Amazon product below). So far, this timer has been helping me get SO MUCH work done, allowing me to finish tasks in a timely manner, with lots of time to spare to do the things I want at the end of the day. My strategy for using this timer is to set about 3 hours each day on the clock, usually taking a break between each hour. I make sure that by the end of the day, I eat up all of the time that is left on my clock until it reaches zero. After finishing those 3 hours on my clock, I know I’ve done a plentiful amount of work for the day and reset the timer to 3 hours for the next day’s use. I believe this is one of the best ways to tackle laziness and procrastination—it helps you stay productive and on task throughout the day. It also feels GREAT once you hit 00:00 because, to me, it indicates that I managed my time effectively and got work done! Can’t wait to see how my Winter Quarter will progress with this new method at getting daily tasks done (loving it so far!).

Only 16 minutes left at the time of writing this! LET’S GOO!!!
Amazon link to product:

Small Winter Break Highlights

For winter break, I just traveled back up to NorCal where I spent some time at my grandparents’ house in the Bay Area for Christmas. Had fun spending time with the family eating and opening gifts! The rest of the break was spent back at my home in Patterson. I’d also like to take the opportunity to introduce my family’s new cat, Ichigo! My family got him back in October of 2024 and I’ve been enjoying his company for the last few times I visited home. I really enjoyed playing with him and helping take care of him during my last few winter break weeks in Patterson before coming back to UC Irvine. Ichigo was the perfect touch in making my winter break very restful and perfect.

Here are a few photos of Ichigo that I took over winter break.

Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!

Best of luck to everyone this Winter Quarter!

All the best,


Letter to Self

Dear Lucas, from the beginning of my first quarter at UC Irvine,

Congrats on starting your new academic journey at UCI! I know you might feel a little nervous and overwhelmed by the amount of things you can do as you partake in your first years as an independent person. But don’t you worry, take things one step at a time, and ease your way in. Start by meeting new people, which can include talking to people in your residence hall, going to random club meetings, or just attending UCI events!

You’ve made a few new friends?! Great! Your first midterm is already coming up! Make sure to plan out your days efficiently to ensure that you are on track to understanding all of the material you’re learning in class. The biggest mistake a college student can make is not creating a weekly schedule and following an organized calendar that plans what they will be doing each day. PLANNING IS ESSENTIAL: if you are not setting dedicated hours throughout the day to tasks like studying, trying new things, etc., then you’re not making great use of your time. So, don’t slack off, stay off of social media, and try as many new things as possible!

There are so many new things to do and try during your time at UC Irvine! I know that you’re going to get involved in active life clubs, play basketball, and hit the gym, but did you know there are night classes at the ARC? I know it might be a little far from where you are living, but try committing to at least one activity at the ARC for a quarter to see how you’ll like it. There are so many activities to choose from, ranging from martial arts classes, cooking classes, and the many sports to try out! This is also a great opportunity to meet new people with whom you will share a common interest in doing the same activities.

Although it is a great way to relax by doing fun activities here and there, it is also important to make time for studying and building relationships with your professors and TAs. Going back to planning your weekly/daily planners, I suggest trying to work your daily tasks around TA and professor office hours, so if you need to attend them for extra help, you’ll have the time to do so.

It will seem like a lot at first, but by following a strict schedule, you will meet all of your deadlines for your classes, make lots of time for outside activities, and have days for yourself where you can sit back and relax (just don’t do this too often).

Remember, it is ok if things don’t work out or if you make mistakes—those are all a part of your journey as a college student. Feel good about yourself and treat yourself when you succeed and learn from your mistakes. College will be a great opportunity for both your academic and personal growth, make the most of that while you continue your time at UC Irvine.



Jazz Vibes at UCI

This past week, I was able to attend and experience UCI’s Jazz Combos concert for the Fall 2024 quarter! The concert took place at Winifred Smith Hall, located at the School of Arts on the UC Irvine campus. It was a cold evening night, but the hall was so cozy and perfect for a lengthy jazz performance—a delightful atmosphere for the winter season!

Here was the program given to us before the concert started.

I’m sorry I did not get the names of the music that was played :(. Otherwise, I would’ve listed all of them on the blog.

Below are a few snippets of the first band under Prof. Darek Oles.

Here is the first band! They played up to 4 songs and the one that I’ve recorded above are my favorite ones played by them. I especially loved the piano solo by Nathan Fong in the second snippet!

Here is the second band under Prof. Jerry Pinter. Below are some photos and snippets of their performance!

Here is the second band under Prof. Jerry Pinter, where they also played up to 3-4 songs. This was by far my most favorite performance played by the second band, I really enjoyed all of the different instrument’s solos and the song overall (couldn’t get all of the instrument solos because the video file was too big)! I’m not a musician, and I don’t know how to describe it, but I really liked how the saxophones played in harmony and the notes that they played in the first snippet above. I thought the drums were also a nice touch to the saxophone’s spotlight in that part of the song.

Unfortunately, I could not stay any longer for the last jazz band since it was midterm week. I still had to get a lot of studying in that night, BUT I was glad I had the time to attend this event because jazz has always been such a relaxing music genre to me that it eased the midterm stress off my shoulders. Consider attending one of these concerts if you want a work-free night to enjoy yourself, the atmosphere, and the vibrant jazz music at Winifred Smith Hall. If you are interested in a future jazz performance, definitely look forward to the upcoming UCI Jazz Orchestra Fall Quarter performance on December 4, 2024. It will be at the same place, the Winifred Smith Hall, at 8:00pm.

Also, if you’re interested in attending any other UC Irvine events beside just music performances, please check out this website: Featured Events // Today // UC Irvine
This website lists all of UC Irvine’s campus events that can range from art shows/galleries, presentations, music concerts, and more!

Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!

All the best,


Stress-Eating and Studying

My second set of midterms is already coming up for Chemistry and Biology. Learning from mistakes that I’ve made when preparing for my first set of midterms, I have finally incorporated an easy-to-follow weekly routine that helps me plan out what I will do during the day and the times throughout the day I will dedicate my tasks. It’s extremely hard to study for hours straight, so I’ve included topics in this blog about study snacks, staying active, study tips, and how to stay motivated to alleviate the stress of studying.

Munchies and Staying Active

Before midterm week, I usually like heading down to Brandywine to get at least 1-2 cups of coffee in for a study session, especially if I am extremely tired mid-day or towards early evening. I try not to drink coffee past 8 PM, since I will most likely stay up until 2 AM. I don’t believe “all-nighters” are all that helpful when trying to learn/study material and I think it is VERY important to get as much sleep as possible, plus my brain cannot function or comprehend material when I am tired. Trying to run off energy drinks late at night is definitely not the move for me. As for snacks, I always snack on almonds or other mixed nuts like pistachios or cashews. They are great study snacks that are very convenient when you run to the library to study and can keep you full for hours!

It is always a good idea to take breaks when studying, but it is even better when those breaks are focused on activeness! For example, I have finally got back into my workout routine six weeks after moving it because I’ve gained quite a few pounds from overeating at the Anteatery and Brandywine. I have also been keeping up with my weekly hikes with the Hiking Club at UCI, which is a great way to take your mind off of school by embracing nature and socializing with new people, while at the same time, staying active! I always feel great when I am doing something active and getting back into the study session motivated right after.

Here are the photos of the things I’ve done to stay active for this upcoming midterm week!

My Helpful Study Tip and Keeping a Motivational Mindset!

I find it difficult to stay focused on studying, so I like to set myself one-hour timers where I dedicate that time to studying and studying ONLY. No phones, no games, NO DISTRACTIONS. Then, I usually take 10–25-minute breaks depending on how tired I feel after taking in an hour’s worth of reviewing material. This studying method is also known as the Pomodoro Technique, where you have intervals of studying and take breaks in between to help you recharge every so often. Some people will use these breaks to play a quick video game or scroll on social media; however, I think that incorporating these activities into your breaks will prolong them because they are a source of distraction, causing you to lose track of time. I think an active activity is a better way to take breaks and recharge for your next few hours of studying! For instance, going out on a short walk/run, stretching, or simply doing a few jumping jacks are better because they help with blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain, helping you stay alert. Furthermore, staying optimistic about studying helps with enjoying the material you are learning. You basically have you hype yourself up and force yourself to like what you are learning. Having a negative mindset will leave you unmotivated and lead to procrastination. Also, setting a simple study goal for yourself, like telling yourself that you will finish reviewing these certain chapters by the end of the day, will help you get by those long study hours.

Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!

All the best,
