When I first arrived at UC Irvine, I was pretty overwhelmed by all of the campus opportunities—from joining clubs to attending many kinds of events, going to class, studying, exploring Orange County, and so much more! As I finish my second quarter here at UC Irvine, I have a sense of what has intrigued me and has me engaged in the most, which I’ve put out on my mind map!
School has been my mainstay, being a full-time academic student at UC Irvine. I’ve been attending lectures, and discussions, doing lots of group projects, doing homework, studying, and attending office hours whenever I needed help. The quarter has been pretty chill so far—this quarter I have been just trying to get by. I have also been vigorously planning out my class schedules for next quarter. I have a later window for adding classes for the spring quarter, so I’ve been creating lots of alternative schedules if I don’t get the classes/periods available.
I have been regularly attending the UCI Hiking Club hikes every other weekend. I have been trying to stay more active during the week, so I usually get tired before the weekend, and it gets hard for me to get up from bed to go on those early hikes. But, it is also great to go often because it helps clear my mind off of school and is a great way to get some sunlight/connect with nature. Whenever I felt overwhelmed in the quarter, I would go on one of the weekend hikes.
In a past blog post, I talked about how I have been using a physical timer (not my phone because it’s distracting) to help manage my time. I am glad to say that it has been working very well! Every day, I make sure to set up 2-3 hours on the timer and make sure to eat up all that time by the end of the day. I have been keeping track of how much I work every week this quarter, and it has been helping me stay on top of all my school assignments. If you’re having trouble managing time, keep track of your work by utilizing a timer!
There is no better way to take your mind off of stress than attending Anteater games! This quarter, I’ve been going a lot more to all of the men’s basketball and volleyball games. I have never been to a volleyball game before, so it was the first time I got to see some professionals play. It was crazy to see how athletic and high the athletes on the volleyball team could jump. Volleyball was a much more intense game than I expected. I loved to see my fellow Anteaters play, and I will continue to attend to show my support!
Lastly, staying active has been a huge goal for this year. I have been consistently going to the gym almost every day, whether it is between classes or at my earliest convenience during the day. So far, I am proud of the hard work I’ve put in and the physical results. The gym has also been a huge factor in de-stressing as well—a two-for-one benefit!
That pretty much concludes my mind map on what has mattered to me most this quarter, and I am glad I got to share it with all of you!
Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!
All the best,