This past week, I was able to attend and experience UCI’s Jazz Combos concert for the Fall 2024 quarter! The concert took place at Winifred Smith Hall, located at the School of Arts on the UC Irvine campus. It was a cold evening night, but the hall was so cozy and perfect for a lengthy jazz performance—a delightful atmosphere for the winter season!
Here was the program given to us before the concert started.
I’m sorry I did not get the names of the music that was played :(. Otherwise, I would’ve listed all of them on the blog.
Below are a few snippets of the first band under Prof. Darek Oles.
Here is the first band! They played up to 4 songs and the one that I’ve recorded above are my favorite ones played by them. I especially loved the piano solo by Nathan Fong in the second snippet!
Here is the second band under Prof. Jerry Pinter. Below are some photos and snippets of their performance!
Here is the second band under Prof. Jerry Pinter, where they also played up to 3-4 songs. This was by far my most favorite performance played by the second band, I really enjoyed all of the different instrument’s solos and the song overall (couldn’t get all of the instrument solos because the video file was too big)! I’m not a musician, and I don’t know how to describe it, but I really liked how the saxophones played in harmony and the notes that they played in the first snippet above. I thought the drums were also a nice touch to the saxophone’s spotlight in that part of the song.
Unfortunately, I could not stay any longer for the last jazz band since it was midterm week. I still had to get a lot of studying in that night, BUT I was glad I had the time to attend this event because jazz has always been such a relaxing music genre to me that it eased the midterm stress off my shoulders. Consider attending one of these concerts if you want a work-free night to enjoy yourself, the atmosphere, and the vibrant jazz music at Winifred Smith Hall. If you are interested in a future jazz performance, definitely look forward to the upcoming UCI Jazz Orchestra Fall Quarter performance on December 4, 2024. It will be at the same place, the Winifred Smith Hall, at 8:00pm.
Also, if you’re interested in attending any other UC Irvine events beside just music performances, please check out this website: Featured Events // Today // UC Irvine This website lists all of UC Irvine’s campus events that can range from art shows/galleries, presentations, music concerts, and more!
Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!
My second set of midterms is already coming up for Chemistry and Biology. Learning from mistakes that I’ve made when preparing for my first set of midterms, I have finally incorporated an easy-to-follow weekly routine that helps me plan out what I will do during the day and the times throughout the day I will dedicate my tasks. It’s extremely hard to study for hours straight, so I’ve included topics in this blog about study snacks, staying active, study tips, and how to stay motivated to alleviate the stress of studying.
Munchies and Staying Active
Before midterm week, I usually like heading down to Brandywine to get at least 1-2 cups of coffee in for a study session, especially if I am extremely tired mid-day or towards early evening. I try not to drink coffee past 8 PM, since I will most likely stay up until 2 AM. I don’t believe “all-nighters” are all that helpful when trying to learn/study material and I think it is VERY important to get as much sleep as possible, plus my brain cannot function or comprehend material when I am tired. Trying to run off energy drinks late at night is definitely not the move for me. As for snacks, I always snack on almonds or other mixed nuts like pistachios or cashews. They are great study snacks that are very convenient when you run to the library to study and can keep you full for hours!
It is always a good idea to take breaks when studying, but it is even better when those breaks are focused on activeness! For example, I have finally got back into my workout routine six weeks after moving it because I’ve gained quite a few pounds from overeating at the Anteatery and Brandywine. I have also been keeping up with my weekly hikes with the Hiking Club at UCI, which is a great way to take your mind off of school by embracing nature and socializing with new people, while at the same time, staying active! I always feel great when I am doing something active and getting back into the study session motivated right after.
Here are the photos of the things I’ve done to stay active for this upcoming midterm week!
My Helpful Study Tip and Keeping a Motivational Mindset!
I find it difficult to stay focused on studying, so I like to set myself one-hour timers where I dedicate that time to studying and studying ONLY. No phones, no games, NO DISTRACTIONS. Then, I usually take 10–25-minute breaks depending on how tired I feel after taking in an hour’s worth of reviewing material. This studying method is also known as the Pomodoro Technique, where you have intervals of studying and take breaks in between to help you recharge every so often. Some people will use these breaks to play a quick video game or scroll on social media; however, I think that incorporating these activities into your breaks will prolong them because they are a source of distraction, causing you to lose track of time. I think an active activity is a better way to take breaks and recharge for your next few hours of studying! For instance, going out on a short walk/run, stretching, or simply doing a few jumping jacks are better because they help with blood circulation and oxygen flow to the brain, helping you stay alert. Furthermore, staying optimistic about studying helps with enjoying the material you are learning. You basically have you hype yourself up and force yourself to like what you are learning. Having a negative mindset will leave you unmotivated and lead to procrastination. Also, setting a simple study goal for yourself, like telling yourself that you will finish reviewing these certain chapters by the end of the day, will help you get by those long study hours.
Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!
First off, I can’t believe that I have already completed 4 weeks of my first quarter at UC Irvine! Experiencing the quarter system, it was like everything that has happened so far went by like a blur, especially when you are busy most days catching up on readings and studying (biology and chemistry are killing me :D). There were so many new things that I’ve learned and experienced while living independently on campus, and I can’t wait to share them with you all in this post!
First Weeks Settling In (photo dump)
Here is me all settled in on the right side of the room. Looks like my roommate (on the left) is REALLY settled in too!First Day of School Pic taken by my RA!!!Me hanging out at the William R Mason Regional Park (less than 2 miles away from campus). It is a very open space with many paths, including a huge pond. The grass is so soft that you can sleep on it. There are also a lot of wildlife like ducks and turtles that you can observe. The sunsets are the best part, but that’s when it starts to get EXTREMELY cold.This is a scenic spot and hiking area not too far from campus called Turtle Rock Viewpoint trail. You get a good view of Irvine and the UCI campus. I took this when there was a huge and dense cloud overshadowing the sunset and the rest of the city, but I think it still looks cool because it is like a huge cloud wall.Trying out a restaurant in Irvine known for their Japanese Curry! This spot is called CoCo Ichibanya which is far from campus, so you’ll need a car to get there. I got the chicken katsu curry with vegetables over rice, a very tasty and hearty meal. Just look at all the steam wafting from my dish…
My Club Involvement
All pictures taken by The Hiking Club by UCI photographer, Nicholas Wilson.
Red Rock CanyonOctober 5, 2024Salt Creek TrailOctober 12, 2024Bommer Ridge TrailOctober 26, 2024
These pictures are from all of the hikes that I’ve been on so far. Most trails are usually dirt and have good amounts of inclining hills. We have had a great mix between beach trails and inland trails so far! The Hiking Club at UCI does weekly hikes on Saturday mornings, mainly around Orange County. These hikes range from beaches, to hills, to rocky areas, to desert-like areas, and many more. Trails start off easy at the beginning of the year, then start to progress in difficulty by the end of the year. Joining this club is a great way to stay active and meet new people! So, if you or any friends you know who would be interested, make sure to attend one of the Hiking Club meetings every Monday from 5:30-6:30PM at Rowland Hall room 188!
My first midterms week was probably one of the most stressful things that I’ve experienced so far and the anticipation of them coming up frightened me. My advice is to NOT BE AFRAID! I feel like fear is the biggest factor in negatively affecting your test taking performance, which is what I think impacted me. Going into the exam room thinking more positively and being confident will help keep your head in the game. Knowing that I didn’t do too great, I might have some ideas on what I can tweak to perform better for the next midterm.
Things I will avoid when preparing for an exam:
I feel like the one thing that affected my learning/studying process was not having an effective study plan or utilizing my time efficiently to try out new study methods. I never had a set time of day for a study routine. I was often distracted by my phone, and I barely practiced studying methods like active recall or spaced repetition. I also didn’t fully utilize my resources, such as office hours, TAs, and classmates. I felt like I didn’t seek enough help, limiting my comprehension of the material I was learning.
What I plan to do for next upcoming midterms:
For the next set of midterms, I will be setting an effective study plan, where I will choose specific times throughout the days of the week to study and setting breaks in between them. I will also practice the study methods that I think have worked for me in the past, like spaced repetition and active recall. I will try to practice a bit every day, testing myself using flashcards to help me learn and memorize the material. I often study with other friends and classmates as well, so I might try the teaching method, where I will do my best to convey the material I learned to my peers.
Campus Spaces for Studying
Here are some studying spots on campus that I’ve found and stuck with since week 1!
This is one of the many study spots in the Student Center, located on the 1st floor. This area can be a bit loud sometimes because it is near entrances and can be a heavy traffic hallway since people need to go down it to get to other areas in the Student Center building. I recommend using headphones or earplugs in this area if you can’t stand background noise. The seats are comfortable and there are enough charging ports for everyone!This is another study space that is near the UCI Center of Black Culture located in the Student Center. It is a lot more private, and quieter compared to the study space above, with a very minimal amount of people walking by. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of these study pods that I was working in, but there are many other open study areas nearby! This area also has both snack and drink vending machines just in case if you ever get hungry or thirsty.
I also recommend visiting the Anteater Learning Pavillion (ALP)! I don’t have pictures of the area, but it is an open study space that also has private study rooms, which is great for group work. Keep in mind that there are also a few lecture halls at the ALP, so it can get kind of crowded and noisy before and after lectures.
Well, that has been my UCI experience so far! I really enjoyed exploring the many different parts of Irvine and navigating through college independently. I got off to a bit of a rough start with my academics because of midterms, but I think I have a good idea of what I need to work on to prepare better for the next one. I enjoy the Hiking Club that I’ve been a part of so far and I look forward to many more hikes and meeting new people! I am also thinking of changing up the study areas a bit and try out areas like the Science Library or the Mesa Study rooms. If those don’t work for me, I will always stick with the Student Center as my primary study spot!
Thank you for reading my blog and please stick around to read even more of my Zot Blogs!
About me: My name is Lucas. I am from the Central Valley of California in a little town called Patterson. I am attending UC Irvine this Fall of 2024 as an Undeclared major, interested in the Sciences and Business-related majors. A few interesting facts about me are that I love to play basketball, hike/walk, listen to music, play video games, and bike!
My SPOP experience at UC Irvine: The main topic for this blog is my experience of UC Irvine’s freshman SPOP orientation days! This orientation consists of a 2-day and 1 overnight stay on UC Irvine’s campus, getting to experience and feel what it is like living and walking around the university. I went to SPOP #9.
Day 1 Starting with day 1, you will have to check in for your SPOP orientation days early in the morning (for SPOP 9, check-in was @7:30am). Unfortunately, I looked at the wrong schedule and missed the first hour of check-in where you receive your room keys and other information. I ended up having to carry my extra baggage for more than half of the 1st day, so make sure to double-check your schedules or contact UCI Orientation (Email:, Phone: 949-824-5182) if you have any questions or are unsure of the schedule like I was! I was able to attend my first session at 10 AM for the academic advising and program planning session where I got to meet the administration from the Undergraduate/Undeclared school who spoke about their goals for us and how they will help us get into our desired major(s) that are offered at UC Irvine. Moving onto lunch, it was an all-you-can-eat buffet where there was a huge selection of different meals. Definitely something to look forward to if you eat breakfast that day. Course registration was not that hard at all, but since I attended a later SPOP date, I was a bit limited to the classes I could choose. It can get stressful not getting the schedule you want, so I recommend trying to attend an earlier SPOP date for more options! The rest of the day consisted of exploring the campus organizations and meeting new people. Make sure to take advantage of the last few of these sessions as you will get to learn a lot more about campus resources, new interests, expanding your network, and creating friends!
Day 2 I started day 2 off with a heavy breakfast because I got pretty hungry at night on day 1 since I stayed up late. Having a few snacks ready to eat is essential when attending these full-day orientations, you’ll need them! You will have a Day 2 overview that will take place the next hour after breakfast, informing you about the Day 2 schedule. There will be a few workshops to choose from to learn more about the UC Irvine community, such as on-campus programs, Cultural Centers, and other Anteater experiences. I attended the Real Talk UCI workshop, where a panel of current students hosted a Q&A of their UC Irvine experiences. It was a great way to explore and learn about the different pathways each student took during their years at UC Irvine. Next, students got to meet up with parents, who went through their Parent orientation at the beginning of Day 2. For the rest of the day, I and my parents attended workshops that included Discovering Research, where you get to learn about research opportunities at UC Irvine, and also attended How to Find Part-time on-campus Jobs, where you learn more about how to use online resources like handshake to help navigate your job options. After these workshops, there was a busy lunch hour where we ate lots of the food the Anteatery was serving. I was so full after that lunch that I didn’t eat at all for the rest of the day.
Conclusion My overall experience of UC Irvine’s SPOP was great. Got to learn lots of new information about school programs/organizations, made many new friends/networks, and had a great overnight stay experience! It is a great way to experience what it is like living an independent life on campus, especially if you are dorming for the year.