Dear Vivian from 10 weeks ago,
I know you’re bummed that you won’t be getting a traditional experience for your first quarter of college. I want you to know that it’s going to be alright. Online classes won’t be all that dreadful. In fact, I think you’ll like the flexibility of online classes! Joining all those class group chats was a great idea. Don’t be afraid to ask your classmates for help, they’re all super nice. Everyone’s figuring things out just as you are. It’s also a good way to feel like you’re actually taking the same class as other students. It’s pretty easy to forget when you don’t have any live interaction with professors or peers. You’re going to miss that collaborative aspect of being in a classroom, but just remember that this isn’t forever. Don’t lose hope, you’ll be in an actual classroom again!
I know that you got super excited seeing all the great clubs at the Virtual Anteater Involvement Fair. I also know you got super sad knowing that you wouldn’t be able to participate in person. That’s okay, we’re making do with what we have. Keep going to club meetings, or at least try and go to half of them. I haven’t been really great at that recently, but the guest speaker meetings are really interesting! Be proactive and go to more club meetings next quarter!
You should really get a planner too. You’ve wasted wayyy too many post-it notes writing to-do lists. A planner would really quell your anxiety about accidently missing deadlines. It would also save your recycle bin from filling up so fast. Seriously. Go on Amazon, type in 2021 planner. Right. Now.
Also, apply for internships! You have so much extra time on your hands playing video games during the ungodly hours of the night. Channel your energy into something productive. One plus about being in a global pandemic is that most internships are remote, so you can apply to companies all the way in New York! Take advantage of that; make good use of your time. Don’t get disappointed if you get rejected from an internship as well. Remember, if you’re not failing, you’re not pushing yourself hard enough!
Last thing, don’t neglect your hobbies. Get back into playing guitar and editing videos. Don’t let school drain your personality and what makes you unique. Take some time to remember who you are and connect with yourself at the end of the day.
Vivian who has survived her first quarter of college