What an unexpected ending to Winter Quarter … I can’t even begin to explain the chaos and uncertainty I’ve felt these past two weeks. Right now, I sit in my house fighting off allergies and I’m thinking back to last week – which feels like years ago – before schools and universities were closing.
Weirdly enough, I was messaging a friend about what would happen if UCI were to move to online. She was concerned that she would no longer have a job, and I naively thought I would be able to go to coffee shops and do some work with high school friends who would most likely come back. This was two hours before we received word from the Chancellor about the precautions being taken, and instructions to administrators to move everything online.
In a matter of a few short hours, I received emails from Professors, TA’s, and my other instructors all explaining they were immediately moving to ‘remote’ – meaning online – learning. It didn’t feel real. Here I was, a week away from finals, and there was a flood of emails from Professors scrambling to figure out whether finals would still take place.
As I write this entry, I’ll let you know now that most of my finals were indeed cancelled, or made optional. But as a commuter living away from home, when all of this was taking place, I was focused on getting back safely and quickly. So I packed a few items to take with me to my last lecture the next morning, and made a plan: I would wake up early, get to class, and make it back to my home in the course of a few hours.
It was one of the weirdest days of my life, and even now as the days pass, it doesn’t feel right.
I would have never imagined the progression of the current virus spreading, and I just sit here in wonder of when everything will be ‘normal’ again. This is life. So many unexpected twists and turns at any given moment.
I know that this has affected all of us. For many, hopes of festivities, graduations, promotions, and celebrations have been taken away. My heart goes out to all affected, and to the families of those affected.
The only advice I can give to the seniors in High School, is to pay attention right now to how prospective colleges are handling this situation and their treatment of students and workers. I am lucky to have been in a position where this doesn’t affect me financially. UCI Professors and instructors have been very generous and understanding, and to them I am eternally grateful.
I want to end this by saying, if you are very upset and sad, that it will be okay. This is not the end of the world. But also, think about the many young men, and especially young women across the world who do not have access to higher education, or even K-12 education. Recognize the privilege we have in this country. And remember … the journey is actually more important than the destination.
Stay safe,