2020-2021 New Blogger Introduction – Vivian

Hey there! My name is Vivian Liu and I’m from Sacramento–it’s also probably where I’ll be for the rest of this year as well. Although I wish things were different and I could say I’m on campus this year, I am extremely grateful for the extra time I am getting spending with my family. This “borrowed time” that I’ve gotten staying in my hometown has given me priceless moments of weekend hikes and quality time with the people I’m closest to. Anyways, I hope to be a business administration major by next year, although I am pretty nervous since it is a competitive major, but I think it helps that I’m doing alright in my classes so far! Remote learning is different from what I expected for my first year of college but I’ve actually come to appreciate it. Of course, nothing beats the traditional in person experience but the flexibility that comes with “Zoom University” is actually really great. In high school I was sleep-deprived 24/7 because I had to get up so early every single day to adhere to the rigid schedules, but now I get to make my own schedule and get up at a time that’s suitable for me! Never in a million years did I think this would ever happen! Rarely do I find myself falling asleep during class because I actually got enough sleep! It also helps that the classes I take are engaging as well! One thing I’ve noticed about remote learning is the lack of connection with other students. I can be a major introvert at times and only recently realized the isolation I’m experiencing by not being on-campus. I know that there have been plenty of opportunities with the many clubs and events at UCI but they just don’t feel the same as if they were in person. I hope I’m not the only one feeling that way. I’m trying to challenge myself to find ways to get connected with other students with the resources I have and make the best of the cards I’ve been dealt. It’s not going to be easy but I’ll definitely try!