Lost, But Not Alone

Home Stretch

Dear Freshman Me,

Congratulations, you are about to step into the college days that you have seen on television growing up. It is now time to leave the place you call home and start getting settled somewhere else. This is going to be a difficult change, but that is part of the process. As you are venturing through your first year as an adult, you need to start this chapter in a new environment. I think Southern California is one of the best places to start this chapter of your life. I think movies and television shows play college out to be a bit overdramatic, with lots of partying, tons of classes, and loud noise all day long on campus. What I have realized so far at school is that all of these do exist, but certainly not for everyone and everywhere. In my first quarter, I had a lot of free time. It is up to me whether to be productive or not, but I do find myself making small decisions that hopefully help me in the future. College is a very self-driven environment because there are so many small temptations that are faced each day that can break the momentum you create for yourself. The first few weeks of college go by fast because you and everyone else are trying to make friends, classes aren’t too difficult yet, and it kind of feels like a vacation (especially when you’re this close to Newport Beach). However, around a month in, classes have ramped up, everyone is more busy with extracurricular activities, and you may start to feel a little homesick. I certainly did. My advice to counter this feeling of homesickness is to build a routine that you can stick to. Every Sunday I would have a list of tasks each day of the week and would check them off accordingly. This list included attending classes, homework assignments, reading, working out, calling home, and other small parts of my day. Each time I would complete one of these tasks, I would feel more accomplished and it would help me stay motivated throughout the rest of the day and week. Overall, staying busy enough where you feel you are moving in the right direction is a major positive, and this feeling is what has helped me overcome my homesickness. While I still make sure to call my parents daily and some of my friends back home once in a while. 


It’s Rabies!

Dear Reader, 

These two weeks have been the most chaotic and the ones I have enjoyed the most. After having my appointment with my U/U advisor, I have decided to double major. I have been finding my bio-sci classes fulfilling (even my mood changes after going to lectures), and I feel more knowledgeable and confident about what I want. I have decided to continue with the bio major pathway, specializing in neurobiology and double majoring in Spanish. I headed to the Spanish Department early in the morning to get more guidance. Along the way, I had to stop several times, amazed by the fauna that Aldrich Park houses (see pics attached). A short 10-minute walk cleared up my convoluted mind (I had midterms and quizzes that week). Even though I found that the office was closed, I felt revitalized and motivated to keep shaping my academic journey.

Later that week, I found another opportunity to boost my college experience: studying abroad. I went to the fair to check out some programs. I collected brochures and stickers and added going abroad to my must-do list.  There were summer, semester, and quarter-long programs for specific majors and specific classes in specific universities. I concluded that taking some G.E classes in the summer can be very strategic, in this way, I don’t have to worry about adjusting my quarterly schedule to semester programs or missing out on my experience at UCI (but I still have some questions about financial aid so I’m going to have an appointment with an academic advisor before making a final decision–all keep you updated).

Brochures and gear from Study Abroad Fair

 I had my last club meetings for the quarter. I am an official member of IMED and Teddy Bear Hospital! In IMED, we had panels going over involvement in research. In my notes, I circled that 1) the fall quarter is the best time to apply 2) when being interviewed, do not pretend to be savvy on matters you are not 3) Be careful about researching Professors (make sure they are main contributors in the publication and that you chose a recent one). On the other hand, with TBH I went over medical study cases. Despite the poor performance and cooperation of my patient and my amateur expertise in medical conditions, I was able to “diagnose” my UCI medical school “patient” with rabies and inquire about his journey. When it comes to volunteering, he advised me to consider commitment over quantity, join a few clubs but stay engaged with them until my undergraduate journey expires. Furthermore, he commented that going to Med school is possible even without publications under your belt unless you have some specific universities in mind. His wisdom alleviated some of the stress that haunted me for not having joined many clubs or labs this quarter; however, this gave some insight in how to adjust my priorities and give more shape into my academic journey. 

Once more and as always, thanks for reading me. Make this journey enjoyable and meaningful to you. Join clubs in which you feel included and do it because you want to be there, not because it will make your resume look better. Appreciate your uniqueness and nourish it by focusing on activities that require you to apply your strengths and enrich your passion. 

Write to you soon, 

Glenda Orozco.  

Home Stretch

Hey everyone! I hope you are doing well. The last couple of weeks have been quite hectic wrapping up midterms, and just like that, getting ready for finals. The beauty of the quarter system. 

School has been moving so fast that I haven’t had much time to think about my upcoming plans. Like classes I am going to take in upcoming quarters or what I want to do over summer break and all. One thing that I am thinking about for next summer is studying abroad. 

And it looks like I wasn’t the only one thinking about it considering it was a 15-minute wait just to get into the ballroom. 

I used to travel a lot when I was younger, but by the time my brother and I were both in high school and juggling many different activities, it became harder for our family to go on vacations. Throughout high school, I got very comfortable with being at home and began to fall in love with my hometown. I don’t think this is a bad thing, but it did make me worried about leaving home for college. Now that I have stepped out of my comfort zone a bit, I feel like spending an extended period in another country would be good for me, and something I can handle. 

At the fair, I was looking into a few different places, but hope to find a program I like in Europe. I would say Europe because it has been recommended to me by older people, and I feel there won’t be as much of a language barrier. 

Aside from looking into summer programs, this past week has been a bit relaxing for me without any big exams. Mostly I have been trying to stay on top of work so it does pile up after the break, but also trying to figure out what classes to take next quarter. This is a much-needed break, and it’s crazy to think how little time there is between the next break, the holidays are coming, and my roommates and I are getting ready.

Just a picture of our little tree in the dorm. Anyways, hopefully, everyone is managing school well and finding ways to have fun on campus, we’re almost there. Have a nice break, everyone! 

First Midterm Experience

There was so much good food and pre-cooked meals that were perfect for fueling my study sessions!
Evening study at Cha For Tea! I need the caffeine and sugar to help me lock in lol.