People say the quarter system goes fast, but you have no idea how fast until you experience it. I feel like I just moved in, but we’re already on Week 5! You know what that means? Midterm season!! Woohoo! I actually had my Bio 93 midterm two weeks ago because I have two midterms for that class and I’m cramming for my Chem 1A midterm tomorrow. Keep reading to hear about my crazy midterm experiences!
People have different ways with dealing with midterms. I have friends I haven’t seen since midterm season started because they’re always studying or others just nap through the whole day. Personally, I study in the common room in groups because my loft desk is too dark. (A loft desk is under a bed with only a top bunk so the lights don’t really reach it.) But regardless, midterms mean long late nights of studying (or messing around…).
Midterms destroyed my sleeping schedule. I usually go to sleep around 3 AM and wake up at 8 AM to study. Sounds insane right? Honestly, I’m impressed too because I used to sleep a solid eight to nine hours but my body got used to it. Also, I’m on some alternative clock now because once when I was studying with friends, my friend left to go to sleep. I said “It’s still early!” thinking it was eight, but it was actually midnight. Oops.
But no worries, I have tips for midterms! The first one is to find a study group. Work through the material yourself first and then work with friends to clarify concepts you don’t understand. Bouncing ideas off others and talking through concepts help to understand it. (Tip: If you can explain it to someone else, you know it really well!) Review practice exams because they are super similar to the actual midterm, trust. Review the lecture slides because if your professor took time to go over it in class, it’s important and will probably be on the test. Another thing I did to really make myself focus was delete Facebook and Instagram on my phone because they’re way to distracting for me. I can’t handle endless scrolling, I’ll be there for hours. It’s a little drastic, but so effective.
I can’t stress self care enough! Make sure to take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally! You should be your first priority. Take breaks to destress by walking around Middle or Mesa at night. It’s super refreshing to just walk around in the fresh air. Or take advantage of late night and grab something to eat to destress! Make sure to know your own limits and say no to going out if you know you need to study. I love to Facetime my friend at UCSD to catch up because it’s so comforting keep old friendships strong.
Hang in there everyone! Midterms are almost over and I believe in you!
Hello again readers! So midterm season has ended or is close to ending for many students here at UCI. So I wanted to share my experiences of going through the first midterm of my career at UCI. Just an FYI, I only had to take 2 midterms this quarter, one for Math 2A (Calculus) and one for Environmental Engineering Challenges (EngRCEE) 60. While I was not expecting to have anything from the professors to use for review my math professor gave us a .pdf for a sample midterm and told us the lecture before what specifically was going to be on the test. My environmental engineering class wasn’t so generous.
The way I studied for the Math 2A midterm was quite the story, so my roommate Felix, our friend Brendon and I were heading back to the dorm room after eating dinner at the Anteatery (the cafeteria for Mesa Court residents) and we are discussing how we got stuck on a question or two on the sample midterm. Then Brendon suggests we join him in the study room that one of the people in our dorm had reserved for themselves. It’s important to note here that we accepted the invitation because Felix and I were under the impression that we were going to get help with the problems we had problems with.
Either way, fast forward a few minutes and we are in the study room and introducing ourselves to the others in there and I brought up the questions I had issues with. From there I asked the group if they finished it and if I could see their work for it. To my surprise everyone looked at me like I was crazy then soon after said they didn’t even do the sample midterm yet. Keep in mind that this is the night before the exam. So as it ended up, Felix and I ended up teaching the other people in that 2 hour study session. Looking back, it was probably better for the both of us that we ended up teaching people how to do the problems because it helped us understand the process of how to solve such a problem.
In short, go to study sessions with your friends because even if you end up teaching the entire room how to do that problem, you will remember how to solve it better than everyone else in that room.
The studying for Math 2A continued later that night in my dorm room with Felix, a new friend we made called Wong, and I. We were discussing how to solve all the problem in the sample midterm again but we had no space to write out our work or to see it visually. Then I remembered that my dad gave me a huge roll of paper and said “You’re probably going to need this to write down ideas and what not.” So we hung it up on the wall next to my bed using one of Felix’s old belts and my tie connected to the bars that hold up the curtain in our room. One thing I definitely didn’t expect to do in college is use a belt and tie to hold up a roll of paper so that we could write math problems on it. From there we were able to write our problems down on paper and actually see the process in how to solve the many problems on the sample midterm. Fast forward to around 2am where we just finished reviewing for the last time and are in the process of cleaning up and getting ready for bed. In my extremely tired state was like “Hey Felix, you know what we should do with our work for the sample midterm? Make a scroll out of it like those you see in China.” Then I proceeded to roll up the paper and seal it with a sticky note. I really don’t remember what came over me but that’s how we decided to keep all the stuff we write on that paper from then on. So now we just have scrolls of test prep on top of my dresser.
Moral of the story here, learn in whatever way makes you remember the material best, for both me and Felix, we prefer to see things drawn out so that we can understand the process of how to get to the right answer. Also, don’t stay up late the night before a midterm!
My final story comes from the EngRCEE 60 midterm but before that we need to explain the circumstances of the story. So the night before the EngRCEE 60 lecture, Felix and I were browsing through the PowerPoint lectures that our professor uploaded and trying to review. We came upon this one slide about the Romans and how they were one of the best civilizations to study civil engineering from because of their aqueducts, public baths, fountains, and most importantly their toilets. On the slide that we were looking at showed the remnants of a roman toilet and I explained the photo of where the person would sit and do their business, where they would wipe themselves down, and where they would return the sponge stick after they were done. Felix believed that the professor wouldn’t test us on the role of each part of the toilet but I was adamant about it since she spent a solid 10 minutes in lecture talking about it but we continued onward until the end of the lecture PowerPoints. The professor actually didn’t fully finish the last PowerPoint we covered but just in case, we looked through it till the end.
Now on that midterm, the extra stuff we covered was actually not even talked about remotely so sadly we wasted time on memorizing things that were not going to be tested. But you know what was covered? The roles of the various parts of the Roman toilets. You wouldn’t believe the grin I had on my face when I turned the page and there was a grainy photo of a Roman with the directions Label. You know that feeling when someone doubts you but then you prove them right? Yeah that was me for the remainder of the test. Either way, I caught up to Felix after we finished and was like “So that toilet question…” He said that he didn’t actually expect the professor to actually ask us the roles of the various parts of the roman toilet and so probably got that question wrong. I could say in response was “I told you so”
I guess the moral of the story here is that even if the information may be strange, you will probably be tested on it in some way so if your professor talks about something strange like an ancient toilet for ten minutes, it’s probably important or at least going to be tested on.
Hello everyone! I’m Brandon Ro and I’m your third and final writer for Zot Blog! I’m from San Jose, California, which is just south of San Francisco for those who don’t know, but now I’m living at Gray Havens at Middle Earth. I’m in a triple with two of my high school buddies Ryan and Calvin, and you can usually find us either at the top floor of Pippins watching Family Feud, or shooting pool in the Tolkien Game Room.
My hobbies are mostly pretty nerdy, and the two clubs that I frequent are Fighting Gamers at UCI, and Tabletop Games Club. I’m also a part of Acts 2 Fellowship, a Christian group that meets on Fridays for food, bible study, and fellowship (as the name suggests). I’m also into all different kinds of music, horror movies, video games, anime, food, and baseball, but I’m always open to trying new things!
Currently my major is undecided but I’m actively trying to transfer into Business Administration, so I’ve been pretty focused with trying to stay on top of my studies. I’m taking MGMT 30A (Intro to Accounting), ECON 20A (Micro Econ), and Sociology 2 (Globalization), so if we share any classes hit me up! So far transitioning into UCI has actually been pretty smooth! I think it definitely helps that I’m living with people I already know, but I’ve been enjoying campus life and all of my classes. There’s definitely a noticeable increase in work coming from high school, but I was expecting the worst so I haven’t been too caught off guard. Dorm life has been peaceful so far, aside from the three fake fire alarms and subsequent evacuations. >_> The rooms are nice, the beds are comfy, the food is good, but the bathrooms are another story. Okay they’re not really that bad, but if you remember anything from this post, look for bathrooms in hallways or floors of the opposite gender. I live on the third floor in a hall with a bunch of other dudes, and everyone uses the same bathroom at the end of the hall. I’m not sure if anyone else on our floor knows this, but there’s another men’s bathroom on the floor below that nobody uses because that side of the floor is all ladies. It’s pretty much like my roommates and I have a bathroom all to ourselves, and although we suspect others will catch onto this sooner rather than later, we’re trying to enjoy the luxury while we can.
I’m hoping to have a successful year, and I hope that I get to meet a lot of new people and readers! I’m looking forward to sharing my experiences as a first year with all of you and I hope I can help bring some enjoyable content to the Blog. See you next post.
Hellos and warm welcomes to all the fellow anteaters, allow me to introduce myself as Josh. I look forward to writing about my experiences here at the University of California, Irvine.
Some details about me are that I was originally born in Northern California, Fremont to be exact, and moved down to a small town called Eastvale when I was in the 3rd grade. A major I would be interested in taking would be Computer Science since that seems to be the trend for many jobs in the STEM fields. My hobbies are rather simple, I enjoy going out with friends, playing video games in my dorm room on the weekends, and just chilling out with some music.
My first two weeks were pretty exhilarating as the university campus is a new environment for me so there was so much to do. Week 1 was quite hectic because I held myself to a crazy standard of waking up a full hour before my classes started so that I would be sure that I would have enough time for my morning routine which, unsurprisingly, only took around 15 of those 60 minutes I afforded to myself. That being said, waking up an hour early did pay off one day when my roommate left for classes while I was in the shower. We have an agreement that if no one is in the room we would lock the door so that our stuff can be secured but my roommate forgot I was in the shower so he ended up locking my keys in the room as well. So I had to walk into the Mesa Court Housing Office in a towel and sandals and figure out what to do. As it turns out getting locked out due to a roommate was a common occurrence so that was, personally, a relief to hear I wasn’t the first instance. I was given replacement keys to my hall and room and was sent on my way. So the moral of the story here is… Always bring your keys with you when you’re on campus, even when in your own hall. Week 2 was definitely more relaxed than Week 1 because a couple hallmates and I went to the beach to just enjoy the sun before submerging the study submarine in preparation for the first midterms of our UCI careers. The lows of Weeks 1 and 2 were pretty much non-existent mainly because I can’t recall them at the time of writing this post.
Onwards to classes! Classes have been pretty well spread out through the week I am only REALLY busy on Wednesdays. Currently I am enrolled in Environmental Engineering Challenges (ENGRCEE 60), Math 2A, Writing 39C, and University Studies 1. If anything in my classes this quarter surprised me, it was how interested I was in the topics being discussed in my ENGRCEE 60 class. I think it’s in the way that the professor explains the topic that let’s you know that she is an expert in that field. That being said, Math 2A is like one of those classes where you just gotta suck it up and do it. Writing 39C is the last class for the lower-division writing requirement and it involves research and argument. My professor in that class is an absolute blast to be around and makes the class more like a critical thinking class than a writing class. University Studies 1 is in my opinion what it is advertised to be, an easy A to help your college GPA. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it and say that it has some work because that class has loads of just busy work but the thing is, if you end up getting ahead of the deadlines it’s a class you never have to worry about. In my hall, it seems that if you just sit around in the commons you are bound to meet a majority of the residents and so I made a few friends in that time.
Besides that there seems to be a large portion of people from my high school here at UCI so I have quite a number of familiar faces. Overall my time at UCI has been extremely fun and not too stressful, given that midterms haven’t started yet so there’s that. I hope to have an eventful first year with all of you.
Hi everyone! I’m Nancy Duong and I’m so excited to be writing for the UU Zot Blog! A little bit about me is I’m from Anaheim (Disneyland!) which is about 25 minutes away from UCI.
Although I live close, I really wanted the dorming experience so I’m living in Valimar in Middle Earth. Side note, people say Middle Earth is the worst housing but I honestly don’t mind it. It’s close to classes, especially SSL and ICF, and nice and quiet. There is construction going on right now, so that’s a small hassle, but it doesn’t bother me. And, you can always go visit Mesa if you want too! I do it all the time since most of my friends live in Mesa and it takes about 12 minutes. Then you’ll get your steps in. Fun fact: I average 20,000 steps a day (about 8 miles) and my record so far is 27,034 steps (11.2 miles)! UCI’s campus is huge so you’ll get your exercise in. Especially if you have 10 minute gaps between your classes and sprint across campus like me.
So I actually applied to UCI as UU because I don’t know what I want to do yet, but that’s okay! This quarter I’m taking public health orientated classes: Bio Sci 93, Chem 1A, and Writing 39C. I quickly learned that I hate biology, so public health is not for me, but good thing I’m undeclared so I can take business classes next quarter! Anyways. week 3 came up so fast. Even though I was part of Summer Bridge, I was still thrown off by the quick pace of the quarter system (I have midterms this week!) and the crazy amount of reading for each class. The transition has been a little hectic because it’s so different from high school. I would definitely recommend investing in an agenda because professors will not remind you about assignments! Trust me, I’ve missed two deadlines already… Aside from academics, I’ve joined Mustard Seeds (predominantly Vietnamese Catholic group) and VSA (Vietnamese Student Association) along with going to a few dance workshops. There’s so much going on at UCI, you’’ definitely find something for you. Try something new! I’ve never danced before and have no rhythm, but still had fun at the workshops and met a lot of new people.
I can’t wait to keep sharing my year with you guys so stick around and join me on my first year journey and if you see me around campus please say hi! 🙂