According to wikipedia, that emoticon means “peace of mind” which is fitting considering the topic today is ~meditation~
Today I attended Monday Meditation hosted by the UCI Student Wellness Center. It was around 20 minutes of grounding and centering the self and I honestly quite enjoyed it.
I have had experiences with meditation in the past but calling those experiences “meditation” feels kind of silly in comparison. My senior year of high school, I had a teacher who hosted meditation for four minutes every morning before class. I appreciated the effort and sentiment of the action greatly, which is why at the beginning of the year I took meditation very seriously. But I could never shake the uncomfortable fear of being stared at by the person sitting directly across from me, as my eyes were closed and by nature I was vulnerable to an attack (lol).
As the year progressed, the wear and tear of my final days of high school overruled my appreciation for the effects of morning meditation. Meditation time? I began to know it as Power Nap Time. As soon as I sat down in class, my eyes were closed and my body was working overtime to generate as much energy as it possibly could in the next 4 minutes to prepare me for the day ahead.
For the guided meditation hosted by the Wellness Center, I felt no such fear of being stared at in the comfort of my own home and the 20 minutes flew by. I was uncomfortably aware of how heavy my head was just sitting on my neck. The guide made a comment on how it was normal for minds to wander during meditation so I let my mind roam free for a bit. Most of the thoughts my mind decided were meaningful and peaceful were about the weight of my head: how strong my neck was for holding up my lunk of a skull— or, alternatively, how weak my neck was for having so much difficulty doing the one task it was designed to do. Either way, opening my eyes after the meditation was over, I felt refreshed in a way.
As I have grown older, wiser, more complex, I have come to the realization that Mondays suck (Garfield said it first). It’s easy to get overwhelmed with to-do lists and objectives for the coming week and I am looking forward to attending more live meditation sessions in the remaining few weeks, and arguably most stressful weeks, of the fall quarter.