You Live, You Learn

To the most stubborn/wonderful person,

You made it into UCI, I know you didn’t know what to expect but you did it. I would say we can take a break and finally breathe, but you know better than I do that’s not going to happen. You’ll eventually realize all those sleepless worrying about what you need to pack or if Investing in a pepper spray is a good idea, I’m still considering getting one. If your wondering if its for safety purposes, the answer is no because all in all the campus is safe. Speaking about the campus its really big and you’re going to be walking around a lot. Most people have skateboards and scooters, even me I roller blade around sometimes. If you see me fall on the ground just keep walking ladies and gentleman nothing to see here.

I’m in the 10th week of college and we were right about one thing its definitely not going to be easy, starting with online classes. Asynchronies and math equals stress remember that the next time you pick your classes, I’ve definitely changed from how I was in the beginning. Remember to keep checking your email constantly and trust me it’ll make life so much easier if you answer everything on time. No one is going to wait for you to catch up especially the lecture videos. You might not know what that is right now, but just remember to keep an open mind and be ready for anything. Have confidence in yourself and your work, just remember what your goal is and keep pushing. Nothing is ever going to be easy and all your problems have an expiration date, its okay not to have all the answers and your still going to be confused as you continue to get through college. Just make everything worthwhile because it you deserve it just as much as anyone else.

This Is your fellow anteater still learning. Smell ya later.

OH Clues!!! OH Clues!!!….

Its been a while since I’ve been staying at UCI and I love it. The campus is so lively and active especially at night, I’ve only been able to go to a few events because of how busy school work is and mostly because of the distance. Although I haven’t been able been to join any clubs, if there is one thing that I’ve learned from my time at UCI is you don’t need to be in a club to have fun.

I believe it was around week 6 when my roommate told me about the escape room that was hosted by the school near crescent bay. The only problem that I didn’t realize was that I needed to sign up for it which I probably would’ve known if I checked my email often. Due to my unawareness that I was supposed to sign up for the event, me and my friend were going to sneak in till we realized there was a whole group of people on the side in the same boat as we were. After a few minutes of waiting turns out a whole group didn’t make an appearance, so not only were we able to get in, we were also able to play together.

We walked in to what looked like a conference room that had just been knocked over by a hurricane, leaving seats all over the place and caution tape everywhere. On the tables were folder that were number accordingly and the goal was to solve them and get the passcode to win and escape. Unfortunately for us the biggest mistake we made was to mix in the folder because that made it difficult for us to know which code was for which case. Since we were timed we didn’t have the luxury of blaming each other, although I really wanted to (JK!!!). We retraced our steps and used our hints for the last few and were down to one more number, as the end was right around the corner so was the time quickly catching up. We put all the numbers for each of the cases and kept repeating it, while changing the missing number and escaped with 5 minutes to spare.

It was very fun and challenging, I was able to make friends with my brothers/sisters in arms. I definitely recommend this to any other student interesting in mysteries and puzzles or maybe your just trying to socialize and make new friends, either way its a win/win. This is your very own blogger coming at you live from homebase base signing out….

Mid-Term Season…?

The first time I ever heard of the term “midterm season”, was during lunch at the anteatery. At first, I was confused and shortly after it didn’t take me long to realize what it meant. From the continuous banshee cry’s of countless students racking whats left of their brains for answers against the evil tyranny that threatens their grades. To the halls filled with the echos of students mourning the death of their sweet A to cheers from those just barely able to evade the catastrophe that looms over their grades. The throbbing sensation from the fear of just waiting for professors to decide those whose answers are deemed worthy of passing was so heart wrenching that barely few could sleep.

In my case although I didn’t really have a midterm yet, majority of my homework are worth a lot of points equal to that of a mid-term. After all the grading system of each class is never the same and this includes the grading system of my writing class, while most people were writing essay’s 3-5 pages worth a 100 points. Mine was 7-9 pages and worth 400 points and if that wasn’t already panic inducing, I don’t know what is. You could clearly tell the difference from week zero and now, the empty halls was just giving an eerie vibe almost like a ghost town because everyones busy studying or taking midterm.

Although I’m currently taking 3 classes this quarter, I assumed that I would be able to breath and take it easy while getting use to campus life but I forget to include the workload of each class is different depending on what you are doing. Starting from my lectures to the quiz’s in the beginning and the end of the week, it feels like a literal sword fight with my life on the line just to take each quiz. Whether I come out victorious depends on how much effort I’ve put into studying and so far the videos of me falling asleep everywhere speaks for itself.

This is your fellow anteater Caleb ou..t..ZZZZZZZ

Going With The Flow

It’s been a few weeks into college and just wow, I know I just started but it still feels so unreal how I’m almost half way into the quarter. Besides slowly transitioning to college and having assignments everyday, my grueling death match to stop my self from snacking on anything is still ongoing.

I’ve began to snack on anything my hands can get on when I’m studying and I refuse to become one of the victims of freshman 15. Although I don’t see any changes yet, my master plan to keep my munchies at bay is still pending, but I’ve been walking around more often and I think I take more than 10k steps a day. I’m almost sure I know about 80% of the campus don’t quote me I said almost, I’ve also been going to UTC a lot the lively atmosphere is great with the right people also. Definitely recommend going to try insomnia cookies triple chocolate chunk at least once or blaze pizza, If I’m being honest I never really tried either of those till I came to Irvine.

As the weeks go by, classes are getting busier and taking a break to ease the mind is now a necessity and a walk sounds like a lot but it’s become a great way for me to destress and socializing is just a bonus, if that still not convincing enough then I’ll have you know that there weddings at Aldrich park and if you’re lucky you’ll get to see them. Also just incase you see me, I sometimes wave or say hi just in case someone might need it and maybe sometime I get a response back or just an awkward stare. If you see me please wave back or come say hi whichever one you prefer, I promise I won’t bite.

Meet Caleb: Your 2021-2022 ZotBlogger

My name is Kelenna Caleb Azu, I currently reside in the Mesa Court Towers and my current major is Undeclared/Undecided. I plan to switch to the ICS department and major in Game Design.

An interesting fact about me is I’m one of the oddest people that you will ever meet and I’ll probably remind you , but I’ll definitely be one of your closest friends after 2 days. On the day that I moved in I’m not really sure if this can be considered interesting, but when I was moving in one of the supervisors approached me and asked for my name and they took it with me. After a few hours, I ended up on the schools page which was really cool and it was pretty easy for everyone to know who I was because my hair was very distinct compared to others. We did a little bonding event by going to the girl volleyball game and I ended up falling off my seat because I got too excited, but I made friends because of how funny it was. After a few days I was known on my floor as the social butterfly in a good and weird way because I would say hi to anyone I make eye contact with, but I would always forget their names.

After a few days it was pretty easy to break the ice on my floor for most people since they were also social, so I just went to the other floors saying hi to the rest of the people and I realized how vast the world is and how little I know of it. It made me excited and to meet more people and learn about their culture and where they came from. The most exciting thing for me to do was to try the food of different places and different dishes from the ant-eatery. After a little while this place became my home away from home.

This is Caleb, speaking to you live from the home of anteaters signing out.