Dear Past Kylie,

Get excited, you’re moving into UCI soon! I know that you’re terrified to start this new chapter of your life. College is an experience like no other. You really get to learn many lessons and more about yourself. In this letter, I’ll go over everything that I know so far about college life (even though there’s so much more to learn).

Since the pandemic, school has looked very different for everyone. Throughout our senior year, most of our work through zoom and a computer screen. For this fall quarter, I did most of my classes online. I was scared knowing that my classes were going to be virtual remote and asynchronous. In the first 2 weeks of class, I realized that I had poor time management skills. It seemed like I wasn’t getting my work done efficiently. For example, I would get work from one class and not finish work from another. However, you do get into a rhythm of things. I was able to balance out different classes as well as add in times for myself to relax. 

It’s very important to add time to something other than homework. I found that sitting all day staring at a computer can be very mentally draining. I try to work out as much as I can at the Pippin Community Center. Another thing I do is hang out with my friends in the common room. Whether it’s having a conversation with them or playing just dance on the tv. It’s a great way to get your mind off of school. 

Speaking of hanging with friends, I remember being terrified about social life on campus. Don’t worry, you’re going to meet so many new friends! By the end of week 0, I was socially drained. I met so many new people from different events I went to, like workshops and club meetings. I especially got very close to people in my hall in the Middle Earth Towers. I really enjoyed meeting new people and hope to make even more friends next quarter.

One last thing I feel is important to talk about is learning about personal responsibility. Living on my own away from my family was scary to think of. So far, living in the dorms hasn’t been a bad experience at all. I’ve learned the importance of time management, responsibility when making decisions and scheduling appointments, etc. Family is one call away if you need anything. It’s important to stay connected with them too!

I’m excited for you to begin your college journey. Don’t be afraid to do things out of your comfort zone. Explore places on and off-campus. Attend sports events, club meetings, etc. Take a walk around Aldrich Park or walk to UTC to get a late-night snack. Just remember to maintain a healthy balance between school and social life. Take care of yourself physically and mentally. You’re going to have a great time at UCI! 

Best wishes,

Kylie from the End of Fall Quarter

Eating Wings and Attending Games

Throughout my time here at UCI, I’ve been able to attend many events that are held here on campus. Some sports events, club meetings, performances, etc. During weeks 7 and 8, I was able to go to two events: an in-person hall event and the club lacrosse team’s scrimmage.

In the Telperion-Laurelin towers in Middle Earth, RA’s host hall events that help bring everyone in our hall together. So far, my hall has had three events (all that have been super fun). The most recent hall event was last Friday; it was called “Don’t Wing It.” We were invited to have some chicken wings from Wingstop and listen to a presentation. At the event, my RA’s presented some tips and tricks about different topics. Since enrollment for the winter quarter is coming up, they shared some information about general ed classes available to take. They also reviewed how to enroll in classes and find our enrollment window. Finally, the RA’s shared some information about housing options for next year.

“Don’t Wing It” was probably my favorite hall event that we’ve had so far. Not only do I love Wingstop’s lemon pepper chicken wings, but I loved how I was able to learn more from my RAs. I appreciate them taking time out of their day to create an informational presentation about some useful tips. I didn’t know much about housing options on and off-campus for seconds years. Now, I have an idea of where I could start looking for housing. I highly recommend attending a hall event if your hall holds one!

My hallmate has been practicing with the club lacrosse team for the past 8 weeks, and just had his first scrimmage this week. I went to the game with a few other people in our hall. The game was at the ARC (the recreation center if you’re not sure what it is) at the backfields. It was my first time seeing a lacrosse game. It was cool learning about the sport and supporting the team. I learned a lot about lacrosse and how it worked. I recommend attending sporting events and games because of the fun energy! I’m looking forward to going to basketball games now that their season is currently happening.

If you see an event either on social media, campus groups, or your email that you’re interested in, don’t be shy to attend it! It’s a great way to explore UCI and meet new people.

If you’d like to see what else I was up to during weeks 7-8, check out this week’s vlog:

It’s Midterm Season…

How is it already time to take midterms? People were not kidding when they said that time flies fast with the quarter system. I had my first round of midterms starting at the end of week 3. The stress didn’t hit me until a few days before. I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect for my first midterm, especially because 2 out of 3 of my midterms were online through Canvas. 

On a Saturday morning, I looked at my calendar and realized that my midterm was coming up in a few days! I grabbed my notes, pens, pencils, and computer and sat down at my desk. As I sat there, I began to think about how I wanted to approach my study session; I had no idea where I wanted to start. What do people usually do when studying for such a huge test? 

I decided to look through my notes first, find the topics I needed to work on, and figure out ways to practice those concepts. Since most of my lectures are online and recorded, I used those videos for review.

Since most of my classes are online, it’s been difficult to meet classmates to create study groups. However, I was able to have a study session on discord with some peers in my virtual class. At the beginning of the quarter, students created a discord channel to ask questions if anyone was struggling with homework or concepts during lectures. The night before the midterm, we would all join a call and review the most critical concepts from each lecture. The study session was great because everyone was able to help each other out. I felt grateful for this experience as it gave me another approach to studying.

Now, I’m preparing to take my second round of midterms. I’ve discovered a quiet study space in the Middle Earth Towers. There are two study rooms on my floor as well as a huge study area downstairs underneath the Laurelin Towers.  It’s nice to have a change of scenery!

I’ve realized how much I learned about my studying habits. What I need to do in order to be successful, where I need to be, and how to use my study time wisely. The midterms themselves are pretty intimidating. I mean taking tests aren’t everyone’s favorite thing in the world. I learned to make the best out of studying, but to not push myself too hard. 

If you’re still taking midterms right now, good luck! I believe in you, you got this! Just make sure to leave some time for yourself to relax and have fun too.

Exploring dance and cultural clubs at UCI

I knew coming into college that I wanted to join some club or organization to become more involved. During the club fair, I was introduced to many different clubs: athletics, interests, culture, or hobby clubs. Throughout weeks 3-4, I devoted my time to attending meetings and workshops for a few clubs/organizations I was interested in.

I was interested in trying out a hip-hop team. The first team to have auditions was the Chinese Association Dance Crew (CADC). For their auditions, they had three audition workshops. A few days later, everyone would audition at the ARC basketball courts.

The audition workshops were not only a way that I could become more involved in dance, but it was also a place that I was able to meet new people! I met students who lived in Middle Earth, Mesa Court, and even off-campus. I made new friends just by practicing the routines a few nights before auditions. I was able to meet some of the leaders of CADC at their after the event at UTC. We got boba and just talked about dance, classes we’re taking, and just the experience of being a college student.

A club I recently joined is the Kababayan club! At the second general meeting, the theme was meeting new friends. The night was filled with entertaining games. At first, we divided into groups by year. Then, we separated by birthday months. In each group, we were able to interact with other members. After the meeting, there was an opportunity to hang out with everyone at Diamond Jamboree (off-campus). We got this really delicious soft-serve dessert at Somisomi. 

Another meeting thought caught my attention was during week 3: the alumni panel. I listened to 4 inspiring speakers who were formally a part of Kababyan when they attended UCI. I learned how each panelist became influenced by Kababayan and how their stories of who they became as a person and professionally. The panel gave me a sense of comfort that a club could help me learn more about myself and other opportunities.

Joining student clubs and organizations is probably one of the highlights of my college experience so far. Not only can I meet new people each time, but I can also explore places off-campus! I’m looking forward to getting more involved in these clubs and getting to experience all that I can.

Check out my vlog recap to see what I did throughout weeks 3 and 4:

Meet Kylie: Your 2021-2022 ZotBlogger

Hi! My name is Kylie Hadden. I was born and raised in the Bay Area; however, I moved to Portland, Oregon 6 years ago. As of right now, I am interested in becoming a data scientist! My favorite hobbies are dancing, playing softball, and traveling.

You might be wondering, how was my move-in day? As you can imagine, I was extremely nervous. Not only am I jumping into college life after being behind a computer screen for 2 years, but I also have to learn how to be independent. I was worried about making new friends, handling my schedule, and living on my own.

I realized that I wasn’t alone. Every first year is in the same boat. I was able to meet so many new friends just from living in the Middle Earth towers. We all spend time together in the common room and help each other out when needed. Our RAs were very welcoming and let us know that they are here if we need any support.

Now, let’s move on to Week 0 events! First off, I attended the Student Involvement Fair. Aldrich Park was packed with multiple clubs, sororities and fraternities, and club sports. UCI has an organization for almost everything. I was able to talk to multiple booths and learn more about their upcoming events.

That night, I attended Late Night at the ARC! There were so many activities: demos, rock climbing, belly dancing, and more. I decided to go on the zipline. Although the line was over 2 hours, I was able to meet students just by playing a game of charades.

The rest of week 0 I attended events that were with the organizations I was interested in. I attended a workshop hosted by the Chinese Association Dance Crew (CADC). Afterward, we all went to UTC to get boba and meet the team members! I also attended the All IDC event to watch multiple hip-hop crews perform at the Bren Event Center. Later in the week, I attended the first general meeting for the Filipino club, Kababayan. They also had a meet-up at UTC where I was able to meet some board members and learn about their programs.

Overall, my first week at UCI was very memorable. I’m looking forward to getting more involved with these clubs and experiencing life on campus. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store.

Check out this link to see a video recap of my week 0: