Words are silver but action is golden a twist on the quote “ words are silver but silence is golden”, I accidentally misheard from my parents as a kid has been a principle that I have followed for years. Rather than the original message of not doing anything is better than doing or saying too much at all, I took my version as you could say all you want of plans and promises of grandeur, but none of that really matters unless you actually take action and really get to it. Don’t just say that you will go for the opportunity, really go all out and make that opportunity yours and make the best of it. One by one, using each golden opportunity to pave out your own “golden” brick road.
Hello hello everyone and welcome to my first ever Zot Blog! I am Nicholas Chou, an incoming freshman and I want to be a psychiatrist. Also I hope you enjoyed the little story about the quote and what it means and tells you a little bit about me, I think I’ll try to incorporate it into my blogs, something that means a lot to me, something I follow, or something that would sum up that specific blog. I’ll also try to tell my blog like I’m sharing a story because I really enjoy its free form and casual way I can personify my thoughts, experience, and advice I pick up each month.
Alright back to me, I am currently undeclared pushing to get into psychology/psychological sciences! I love learning, especially when I really like the subject. I also really enjoy trying all sorts of new things. This summer break being the longest (and hottest) I have ever had. And being the end of my 4 year high school experience, I decided to spend it all to relax and prepare for UCI. I’ve picked up a lot of hobbies. I’ve tried learning guitar, mahjong, karaoke, cooking, woodcarving, thrifting, gym, rip sticking, rock climbing, dragon boating, and much more!
Once my school year starts, there’s a lot of things to get used to, living outside of my house, the quarter learning system, and getting used to the new environment. I’ve got lots of plans for coming into UCI. But worrying about every little detail of something new is something I and I noticed others often do. But what I’ve learned is that ultimately I could plan all I want, I could try planning to the very second of each event, but ultimately; things often don’t go to plan. Oftentimes there are things you didn’t expect, things you didn’t account for, or things that didn’t happen at all. So what I’m trying to say is, if you are stressing about this new experience we are all about to go through, don’t. Don’t worry about it, you’ll be fine; you will be alright.
Overall, I am happy to be starting off on this rollercoaster of college I’m strapped in for and I hope you’ll stick around for the ride.
Have a great day.