Here comes Spring Quarter!

I cannot believe how quickly this quarter has passed. Everyone I have talked to, whether it be my friends and classmates, agree that this quarter flew by. As I prepare myself for the Spring 2023 quarter, I have a few goals that I would like to accomplish. 

Academically, I want to continue to go to my professor’s office hours and form study groups. This will be especially important for my chemistry and math classes next quarter. I find it helpful going to these office hours on a consistent basis because it means that I am constantly learning and retaining class material. Even though 10 weeks is a short amount of time, it is common for me to forget some material from weeks one and two when I am in week seven or eight. Some professors have cumulative midterms, which means that material from week one to material learned right before the midterm is fair game. While some of my exams have been cumulative and require extra studying, in the end, it is helpful for when it is time for the final exam. Office hours keep me accountable and help me study for upcoming exams.  I also want to continue practicing my time management skills. After spending two quarters at UCI, I have realized that I feel more prepared for exams when I have studied at least three days before. 

A goal that is outside of academics would be going on a hike with the UCI hiking club. One of my friends and I really enjoy the outdoors and going on hikes. We have been meaning to go on at least one hike. We did not go on any fall quarter or this quarter (oops!), but we want to try our best to go on a hike for the Spring Quarter. Plus, it would be a great way to relax and get some fresh air after a busy school week.  

Lastly, I want to enjoy every moment of the Spring Quarter. I only have 10 more weeks of my freshman year in college. I want to enjoy the present and take advantage of all the activities and opportunities that are presented during this quarter. 

As always….


My brain map and why sleep is important :)

Hello Anteaters! 

Here is my brain map! It is filled with my goals and priorities that I have in college. To start from the top left column, I put down that one of my priorities is to enjoy every moment in college. When there are events and different opportunities outside of school, I have tried my best to attend each one and be present. It is important for me to put aside my school work and be present with my friends. Freshman year is going by quickly, especially being on the quarter system. 

Next, my goal and priority is to continue working on my time management skills. I think it is important to avoid studying for tests the night before and projects the night before. For there to be less stress, I have been working on trying to study or work three or four nights ahead of a test or paper. I realized that by working on projects a few days beforehand allows for me to better process the information and new material. It is difficult to understand new information the night before! 

My career goal is to be a teacher! Right now, I am taking my lower division classes and working hard in each of them so I could join the UCI CalTeach program and earn my credential. I enjoyed my fieldwork with third graders so much last quarter (Fall Quarter), and think about the class and the students almost every day:). 

Along with my career goal, I prioritize trying my best in each of my classes. Although my classes are difficult, I know that as long as I try my best, make an effort to go to office hours, study with friends and classmates, and attend lectures (this one is important too!) that I have truly done everything I could do to do well in the course. 

Another priority in my brain map is checking in with friends and family. For my friends at college, I grab a meal or meet up somewhere to spend time with them. Because my hometown friends are at different colleges, I enjoy texting and calling them. I also enjoy calling my parents and siblings every weekend  (and during the weekdays) to check in and ask how they are doing. 

Lastly, being well rested is a priority in college. There are times when I want to stay up until 2am in the morning studying or working on a paper, but I realized that the most important practice for me is to go to bed earlier and wake up early. When there is an exam, I have been practicing going to bed earlier the night before so that I am awake and ready to take the test the next day. The last thing I would want is to be tired during a test.

Thank you anteaters for your time.

As always…..


Interests Primer


  • Hello everyone! We made it halfway through the school year! One of the benefits in attending an institution with the quarter system is that I have the ability to take several classes throughout the academic year. Currently, I am taking a writing class and the theme is mass incarceration in the United States. Even though I am only in week six of this 10 week course, I have learned how relevant this topic is in today’s modern society. This class has broadened my understanding of how mass incarceration has only increased in the last few years. I find the prison education part the most interesting because prison education helps decrease the rate of recidivism (this is when a prisoner finds themselves being rearrested). After reading several articles about prison education, I have discovered that there are problems within this sector, specifically with the funding, effectiveness of Pell Grants, and the lack of special education programs. 

Overview and Personal Thoughts:

  • Aside from the fact that I am taking this course for college credit, I have found myself reading more articles and watching documentaries in my free time. I would recommend researching this topic because these prison education programs consist of higher education programs, which are currently provided by popular colleges across the United States. I think that in the future it would be fascinating to see if UCI would join colleges such as Pitzer College in providing a prison education program. By providing prisoners with higher education, they are not only able to earn a degree, but come out of prison with the basic skills for employment. With an education, these prisoners are less likely to reenter the prison systems and can adjust back into their communities with stability. 

How to get started!

  • For any kind of research, it is often difficult to figure out where to get started. My tip for anyone who would want to research and explore the topic of mass incarceration would be to go on Google and search for mass incarceration, specifically prison education programs. For more specific results, I would recommend looking up prison education programs and how they accommodate those with a learning disability. Keywords in the search bar allows for you to find articles that closely match your interest and will be more relevant. Youtube is also a great resource because there are news stations such as ABC News that cover and have covered this topic. Videos give informational visuals and real life stories that are interesting to learn about. 
  • Also, research takes time. It is normal for you to begin research for a couple of days, take breaks, and continue on for a month or however long you would like. This is your schedule and how you want to approach research. 


I hope that this information inspires you to explore different topics, and I promise that it will broaden your understanding while also keeping up with current events!

Thank you for your time.

As always….. ZOTZOTZOT!!!

2023 and Charcuterie Boards!

Happy 2023 everyone! I hope you all had a restful winter break and got plenty of sleep, I know I did! During my break I went to my optometrist and she said that I was getting more than enough sleep! (This was because I had no reason to wake up for any classes) 😀

Some of my winter break highlights were spending time with my whole family, movie nights with my family, seeing my hometown friends, making charcuterie boards, and volunteering at a homeless shelter. 

For me, last quarter consisted of getting acclimated to the rhythm and life of UCI. I will admit that towards the end of the quarter, I started to feel less motivated because of the thought of winter break and exhaustion that was slowly starting to creep in. This resulted in me trying to take a “short nap” at 10pm and wake up by 10:30pm. In reality, I was sleeping at 10pm (which meant I was getting a decent amount of sleep), but meant that I had to catch up on work that I was aiming to complete the night before. Thankfully, I had classmates, encouraging friends, UCI’s LARC, and review sessions that were led by positive Learning Assistants, to study with for my final exams.  

One class that I will miss from last quarter would be my Physical Science 5, Introduction to  Science and Math Teaching. In this course, we had the special opportunity to go to an elementary school, work with a teacher and the classroom, and experience the day in the life of an elementary school teacher. I will miss my fieldwork teacher and always being greeted with a smile from the students that I worked with. 

As I am beginning my second week of Winter quarter, I can proudly say that it is quite different from what I experienced during the first couple of weeks of my Fall quarter. Some habits I have implemented are developing a consistent schedule and including office hours into my Google calendar. I did this because I want to make it a routine to attend them weekly. I am excited for this new quarter, attending my club meetings, strengthening my friendships and forming new ones, and enjoying every moment of the next 10 weeks. I also hope that I stay healthy for the majority of Winter quarter! Staying in good health is extremely important in college. I would highly recommend wearing a mask during the Flu season (November-December) in your lecture halls because this is when midterms and final exams occur. 

Again, Happy 2023! 


Here are some photos of my charcuterie boards.

This one was for a New Year’s Eve get together with hometown friends    

This one was made by me and my hometown best friend. 

Always read your UCI emails! 

Hello Anteaters! I would like to start off by saying that you, yes you, should always read your UCI emails or any student email on a daily basis. Why am I saying this? Well, if I had not read my emails, I would have missed the opportunity to go to the special event, Dinner with the Anteaters. 

Back in October, The UCI Student Alumni Association sent an email about spending a meal with UCI alumni and other UCI students. I thought this would be a great opportunity where I could meet new people and take a much needed break from homework to learn about UCI alumni and their personal journeys and stories. I also had never heard of an event like this before. I also believe college is always about taking advantage of new opportunities and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. I ended up signing up and about a month later, I got a response saying that I would be attending a dinner on November 5th. The dinner was with two alumni and UCI students at St. Pepperoni Pizza, Irvine Location. The sound of pizza really stood out to me and it was a no-brainer that I would be attending ( I am kidding, but jokes aside, I was really excited to attend this event!)  

I think what really stood out to me from this event was how welcoming the UCI alumni were to us guests. They were just as excited as us to spend an evening together and gladly shared their college and career journeys.  One of my favorite parts of the evening was listening to all of the alumni’s advice. One of my favorite pieces of advice was to always ask for help and take advantage of all the opportunities available at UCI. This piece of advice stood out to me because as a first year, the whole college journey is new and scary at times. After listening to the ladies, I learned that everyone, including those who already graduated, walk through life with the same fearful thoughts as a first year. If one asks for help in the beginning, one saves themselves hours of stress. There is nothing wrong with asking for assistance, even if one desires to be a perfectionist and figure things on their own. 

I am so glad I went to this event! 

And remember to always read your emails!

Until next time, ZOTZOTZOT!

Yummy pizza!! 

HUGE gumball machine! I mean huge!