Find Your Event At UC Irvine

Hello everyone, it is Jack here again and I will be discussing events at UC Irvine in this post. As there are so many events which are held within the school either in-person or online, in residence halls, in communities, in different schools or even in the middle of the school, there is bound to be an event for everyone. While so many different groups host events, I would like to showcase one in particular to give an idea of what events are like at UC Irvine. 

The one which I will be showcasing is the Holiday Study Kit event hosted by the Center for Student Leadership. There are a few reasons I have selected this event to showcase. One of the reasons is that I was informed that the event was taking place, the day it took place. This is just to give an idea that there are events which are happening all of the time and all throughout campus and there is most likely an event every day that there is instruction and you can find these events if you look hard enough. Another reason I selected this event is because this event is hosted by an organization which people may not typically think hosts events. Usual participatory event hosts are resident advisors, RHA and ASUCI, but there are many events which are hosted which give students a chance to spectate and these events are typically hosted by the arts department and the UC Irvine Athletics. Of course as I am showcasing here there are many other organizations which host events, but these are some groups to get your search for an event started.

I had to register for the Holiday Study Kit on Campus Groups prior to the event. Most events will require some pre-registration or have a check in process, so make sure you research that aspect prior to the event. If you can not find anything with more information regarding registration, then you are more than likely able to show up to the event and more steps will be given to you upon arrival.

Once I arrived at the event I was able to paint a stocking and fill the stocking with an assortment of goodies. Recently I have noticed that there are a lot of painting events as I have also recently attended an ASUCI tote bag painting event, but with so many organizations trying to host so many events, there is bound to be overlap between events.

I had fun at the event and I am sure that everyone could find an event which they would enjoy if they looked hard enough. There are hundreds of clubs and organizations on campus and if you find one that fits your interests, then you are bound to find some event that they are hosting which also fits your interest. This event however was specifically for freshman and transfer students, so if you are a current freshman or junior who is a transfer student, then make sure to look out for more events which are planned by the Center for Student Leadership.

That is all for me for now and I hope everyone continues with their strong preparations for finals! Zot! Zot! Zot!

“Quarterms,” The Midterm Experience At UC Irvine

Hello everyone, it is Jack and I am back to tell you about the midterm experience at UC Irvine! While this post may not include descriptions of events that some may find fun, it will still provide some useful information surrounding the academic life at the university. Without further introduction, I would like to welcome everyone to the midterm or should I say quarterm experience at UC Irvine!

The first question some may have is, “what is a quarterm.” Well it is a name I have given to midterms at UC Irvine, because in my experience there are three to four of them in certain classes. The disclaimer I will give here is that this is just something I have found in my experience at the university as most of my friends and I are taking science classes where I have found that those classes have multiple midterms compared to classes in other disciplines, which seem to only have one. These quarterms are something that a student must be prepared for as they happen suddenly and at a fast pace. Having only ten weeks per class and then having four midterms, results in an average of a midterm every two-and-a-half weeks. Then having the fact that some classes only meet twice a week and one of those classes is taking the midterm, students may only have four class periods of actual instruction before a midterm exam takes place.

However, there are many resources for these classes which students can use to prepare for exams and although there is not a lot of in-class instruction time, these classes with multiple midterms tend to use in-class time for a review of content, rather than an introduction of content which takes place as homework.

But there are still classes which have the traditional single midterm and final and this midterm can take place in a variety of forms. For example one of my classes has a single midterm and students had the option to take the midterm in-person or to take it online. Usually the option of taking exams online comes with a fee which students must pay, but the in-person option is one that I have seen professors and other instructors prefer the most.

Being in my first year, I am in many classes with other first-year students and something that I see other students realize is the idea that the rules for exams and the content that they are required to know is concrete. I have been in a midterm where tens, if not over a hundred students have been thrown out for not following a professors instructions, students assuming that they could take an exam at home, even when an exam seating chart has been created and other students who assume that certain exams (not midterms) are optional. This is not something against students, it is just an observation that I made at how sudden some students have to follow new rules that they are not accustomed to. Also at times, there are some instructors that could make their policies more understood or less challenging to follow.

I have completed two midterms up until this point, but I have two more this week. The general content of midterms is not the most entertaining so, I decided to share some advice in this post. I hope everyone does well on their midterms and exams at UC Irvine and elsewhere!

Getting Settled In and The First Weeks

Hello everyone, Jack here again to share some of my experience at UC Irvine! Since my last post I have finally been able to move in on campus and begin to enjoy life on campus. I have started all of my fall courses and similar to some other students have begun to have my first midterms this week. While I only have midterms for two classes, I am in full school-mode in all of my classes. As the school year is in full swing, there are a lot of events around campus. While I have attended many athletic events and I intend to attend more and share my experience, I would like to share my experience with an ASUCI event, which I recently attended.

On October 17th, an event was hosted at the garden in Arroyo Vista, where students were able to take a tour around the garden, participate in activities related to the garden and learn about sustainability organizations on campus. I attended the event because I wanted to learn more about the student-run garden on campus. The event was engaging as there were many activities to participate in such as planting a plant in the garden, painting a pot and then planting a winter plant in it and creating a bath salt using herbs from the garden.

This event was fun as I was able to explore the garden, get a plant for my room (I did not have any before) and learn how to create a bath salt. I did not only learn technical skills, but I also learned about the three sisters gardening technique used by Native Americans during a scavenger hunt around the garden. There were also some cool offerings from some groups around campus, who gave out stickers and reusable straws. I was even able to test my knowledge of vegetables which are green at the event.

The scavenger hunt
A pot which I painted and am growing winter greens in
Bath salt creation
A lavender plant which I added to the school garden

As the quarter continues and more students get busier and busier, I hope that everyone does well with their courses. I know that a lot of people are studying and I see that firsthand as in my hall people stay up late at night to write on whiteboards all of the key concepts which are necessary to know for their courses.

As I begin to sign off until next time, I want to wish all students good luck with all of their exams, the fall student athletes, good luck with the end of their seasons and members of organizations a good rest of October.

That is it for me for now and I will be back in around two weeks writing about the midterm experience at UC Irvine!

Zot Blog 2023-2024: Enter Jack

Hello fellow anteaters and all others who are reading this post! My name is Jack Fedor and I am a freshman at UCI who is living on campus in Mesa Court. I currently am undeclared as for my major, but through the course of this school year and shared through these posts, I hope to share my journey towards declaring a major. Entering the school year I am interested in majors in science such as biology, chemistry, physics and earth system science. However I am going to take classes and participate in other activities which hopefully will allow me to experience other fields before I decide on a major. Some other information about me is that I am from Sacramento and I was able to participate in a lot of activities when I was in high school there. I wrote a bunch of articles for my school and a community newspaper, I competed on my high school’s mock trial team and I was a sound and lighting director for my school’s drama productions. I also volunteered a lot with community organizations and was a part of my high school’s student government. The point of sharing all of this information is that I hope to participate in a lot of activities (both similar and different) during my time at UCI.

This summer I was able to go to UCI for the first time for SPOP. That trip was my first trip to Southern California in nine years, so while it was a school I had never been to, it was also a region in California I had not been to in a long time. From the moment I arrived in Orange County, I felt like I was in a place that I would enjoy spending the next few years. This belief felt even more true as I arrived at UCI. From finding the dorm that I would stay at, organizing activities at the dorm, answering questions and guiding me to the evening activities at the student center, all of the older students helped me learn so much about the campus and feel like I was a part of the school. I was able to meet so many new people during orientation and make so many new friends, it was a super enjoyable experience. The one memorable thing about orientation for the students who attended it was that it was the first SPOP to be ended early. The tropical storm which hit Southern California on the second day of my SPOP may have ended the event earlier, but I think it made us all try to enjoy the first day more since we knew there was not going to be a second one. The people in my dorm and probably other students at the SPOP will remember it as the hurricane one and will have a story to tell future anteaters.

I hope that I can share many more exciting events during the school years, that are just as interesting as orientation, but hopefully none of them end the same way. Have a great start to the school year everyone and I hope to meet many more anteaters on campus in the upcoming month!