winter qt :)

HELLOOO EVERYONE !!! WE DID IT !! One quarter down, two more to go!

Fall quarter, my first quarter in college was undeniably a rollercoaster of emotions and experiences as everyone could imagine. It was characterized by the tangible stress of adjusting to a new academic environment, the thrill and excitement of embarking on a new journey, the inevitable anxiety that comes with facing unfamiliar challenges, and moments of peace amidst the chaos. From figuring out the most efficient study methods to balancing social activities and academic responsibilities, each day presented new challenges that tested my adaptability and resilience. 

However, amidst these whirlwinds of classes and overload of assignments, there were also moments of tranquility and peace. These were the times when I found myself settling into the rhythm of college life, appreciating the growth and learning opportunities it presented, and taking time to reflect on my personal and academic journey. 

As I progress into the new quarter, I’ve gained a clearer understanding of my workload and productivity levels, enabling me to plan more effectively. To keep me accountable this quarter, I’ve downloaded Notion, an app designed to help structure my days, maintaining organization, as well as accountability. This tool isn’t new to me; I utilized it back in high school. However, during the last quarter, I found myself too unmotivated to organize my schedule properly. Now, with renewed focus and a better grasp of the demands of college life, I’m committed to using Notion. Also, since I am continuing with my bio + chem classes, I have now dedicated a specific day each week with my friends to review the course load. We would review the lectures, complete practice problems, and quiz each other. I found that this would significantly help me reduce the amount of stress before exams, and I would actually be able to understand the material.    

I’m so glad that during the fall quarter, I ended up finishing finals early and was able to go home earlier than most. I feel like the winter break really helped me because I was already feeling the onset of burnout and a deep sense of homesickness. I loved being surrounded by my friends and family, especially for the holidays. During break, I was finally able to relax, and be able to watch the shows I put off during school and spend time with my friends. This period of relaxation and detachment from school responsibilities was essential for recharging and preparing myself mentally and emotionally for the upcoming challenges of the new quarter.

For this upcoming quarter, my goal is that everyday I remain on a consistent schedule and ensure that I get a proper amount of sleep. Furthermore, I also need to set limits for my social media apps, especially tiktok. 

THANK you for reading !! Good luck this quarter !!

here is a little overview of my notion 🙂


MIDTERM szn in the SPOOKY szn !!!


I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that I’ve finally survived the wild and wacky adventure of my first round of midterms for my classes. Let me tell you, it was an experience I don’t want to repeat, like ever, especially with chemistry and biology classes. I practically turned into a nocturnal creature, pulling off countless all-nighters fueled by maybe too much caffeine, and as for sleep? What’s that? I’m pretty sure I’ve spent a small fortune from my flex dine on Starbucks concoctions, but I’m too scared to check my balance. But, in the midst of this caffeinated chaos, I discovered my new favorite drink. Someone mistakenly took my drink, and I took their drink because we had the same name! Although, believe it or not, I ended up loving the drink! It was a blonde iced latte with hazelnut syrup, and now I’m head over heels for it. Before this, my go-to was the matcha frappuccino with oat milk. 

I must admit that this whole experience was totally on me. I was completely unprepared for these midterms. I mean, I started studying three days before the exams, thinking I could easily do it. The cold, hard truth is that we need to start studying from day one and keep at it daily to truly grasp the material. This is nothing like my high school days, let me tell you. 

However, looking past the midterm experience, I’m glad to say that I have been able to make such great friends in the process! I have been able to explore around Irvine, and gain a sense of belonging. I have been to many flea markets, restaurants, etc. but unfortunately, may have splurged some days.

Here’s my conversation with my friends: 

Me: “omg should I buy it” 

My friends: “yes you should, when would you have the chance to buy it again. It’s worth it!” 

The sad truth is that I give into it, too easily. 

pictures of some of the best places I’ve eaten at with my friends!

my favorite places to study! – my room and the ALP building

UNTIL NEXT TIME !!! GOOD LUCK everyone, and don’t forget to take care of yourselves!!! Take a break and go outside! Also, HAPPY HALLOWEEEENNNN !!!

-lindsay m :))

Zot Blog 2023-2024: Enter Lindsay

HELLO READERS!! My name is Lindsay Mikuni, and I am from Sacramento, California. As much as I love Sacramento, it was time to depart from my hometown of 17 years to Irvine for the next four years of my life! I am a Japanese Chinese American, which is, in a way, ironic. I love trying out new things; adventuring off into new places; and really anything spontaneous. A trip to the beach at sunrise or sunset? YES! Mcdonald’s at 2am? YES! My go-to order is the oreo mcflurry or the vanilla soft serve. I’m not sure if this is a popular opinion, but pair that with some fries, and I’m set. Although, with me being lactose intolerant, I’m not sure if my stomach agrees. I love love love the beach so much, and that is a perk of living in Irvine, which I’m grateful for. I may not have a car, but I will gladly spend money on an uber, or even, if I’m desperate, beg people with cars to drive me.

The summer of ’23 will always hold special memories for me. I’ve always imagined the perfect summer: one filled with exploration, love, pure joy, and, let’s be honest, freedom. This summer has finally lived up to my dreams. Being able to spend time with my close friends that I consider to be family, and making precious memories before we all departed for college was such a bittersweet experience. From all the long road trips to all the parties where cake somehow always ended up flying in the air and into people’s faces, is something I will forever cherish not only in my camera roll, but my memories.

Ever since I was younger, I dreamed of moving out and off into the world by myself, and at the time, it wasn’t as daunting as it is now. When I was given the opportunity to attend UCI, I was very hesitant. I’m not kidding when I say this, but I accepted my admission offer on the last day at around 11:55 pm to be exact. I have a video of me sobbing happy tears, but also sad tears surrounded by my family, the ones I’d have to leave behind. It was a tough decision, but I knew this was a great opportunity I couldn’t pass up. From meeting people from all around the world to managing my life and creating core memories, I locked in my decision from that moment. I am super excited for this fall quarter coming up, and I can’t wait to meet everyone!

Moving forward with my Zot blog and hopefully future blogs, I hope to share my own experience going along college, and display to readers all my challenges, but most importantly successes. Attending UCI will prove to be a challenge both mentally and physically, but I hope to make the most out of my experience and grow from it all. BEST OF LUCK TO EVERYONE!!! College is challenging, but please remember to always put yourself first and take some time for yourself!

