zotCAMS Welcome Meeting: 2021 Sep. 28 (Tue) @ 5pm (location to be assigned)

Hi everyone!

Welcome to zotCAMS, the UCI Chapter of the American Meteorology Society! The mission of zotCAMS is to foster undergraduate and graduate involvement in atmospheric and climate science. We strive to expand the image of atmospheric and climate science by enhancing diversity, especially by encouraging participation from underrepresented minorities in STEM fields.

Our first on-campus meeting will be held next Tuesday (Sep 28) 5pm! We will go over our plans for the club, meet new members, and have our first lightning talk on Hurricane!

*** The campus is still busy handling all clubs’ classroom reservation. We will announce the meeting location as soon as it is assigned, stay tuned! ***

We hope to see you all there!

P.S. If you wish to receive our email about upcoming events and meeting, please contact us through the following mail: zotcams@uci.edu

zotCAMS board

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