About Us
ZotCAMS is the Student Chapter of the American Meteorological Society at UC Irvine founded in April 2017.
The mission of zotCAMS is to foster undergraduate and graduate involvement in atmospheric and climate science. Our organization aims to promote undergraduate retention in atmospheric and climate science by supporting atmospheric and climate science career paths. We advocate for student research opportunities, aid in the preparation for continuing education, and stimulate professional development in atmospheric and climate science. Graduate student involvement will nurture mentorship opportunities with undergraduate students, and both parties will benefit from networking, volunteerism, and outreach with our local community. Our organization will encourage student involvement at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, including participation in the student conference. We strive to expand the image of atmospheric and climate science by enhancing diversity, especially by encouraging participation from underrepresented minorities in STEM fields.
A copy of the zotCAMS Constitution can be found here.