Recording in Yuja from Keynote on Laptop with no External Screen. Prepared by Antoinette LaFarge. Last updated March 24, 2020.
Launch Keynote and put it in Navigator View. Position the Keynote window in the upper right corner of the screen.
Launch Yuja Software Capture. Position it in the lower left corner of the screen. It’s fine if it overlaps the Keynote window. What is crucial is that you can see both the “SCREEN” menu item on the left of the Yuja window AND the Yuja start/stop buttons at lower right. Here is a workable arrangement:

In Yuja, under SCREEN click the downward arrow to bring up Advanced Settings. Click on Advanced Settings and from the dropdown menu choose: Capture Selected Area.

Then click ‘Select Area’. You screen will go slightly bluish. Click-drag from one corner of your Keynote slide to the diagonal corner and release the mouse. Click “Save” in Yuja. Now only that selected area of the screen will be recorded.
Now click the Start button in Yuja to start recording and immediately click anywhere in Keynote to bring it to the front. You have 3 seconds before Yuja starts recording. Once recording starts, you should be able to use your arrow keys to navigate through Keynote as usual, reading your presenter notes as you go.
When you are done, move your mouse over the Yuja Stop button and click on it to stop the recording. You should only need to click once. Then save the recording to the cloud.
Sadly, every time you record in Yuja using the “Select Area” approach, you have to go through every one of these steps all over again.
Also, you can’t see the nice big Keynote clock in this method—you have to keep an eye on the time another way.