Blog Post Week 2 Reading: “Assimilation”

  1. In this article, there are many definitions and insistences for assimilation by some authors. This article is considered deeply from various perspectives and each author has different opinion for assimilation. In general, assimilation means that to absorb or incorporate into something. Also, this author indicates that something is white America. That’s why assimilation relates to the problem of immigrant, race and culture. Moreover, author demonstrates assimilation with providing the example of Asian American. And the model minority myth that contains idealizing minority which experienced discrimination promotes author’s explanation. However, despite many years of dispute is done, assimilation doesn’t become simple one also it’s clear that not “natural”.


  1. W.E.B. Du Bois argued against assimilation as the substantive retention of racial difference. From his argument, “to assimilate was understood as meaning to absorb into white America which requires the negation of black experience and knowledge” (p.14). This opinion indicates the discrimination for immigrant who would adapt themselves to American life like Asian American. Disregarding their background and history which imply their effort to be recognized as one of the American people, this action leads to misunderstanding the presence of Asian American. According to the report by a Pew Research Center publication, the fact is “many Asian Americans who live in poverty and experience intense and direct racism.” (p.16)


  1. “The model minority myth” is a term and important rolls when discussing assimilation of Asian American. Dominant group like America tend to requires Asian people who came as immigrant that they minority assimilate to majority and also, they have to effort to adjust themselves. Furthermore, Asian American treated as a hard worker. Seemingly, it could make a good consequence, however, it makes us difficult to see them equally. One their effort was accepted, there is possibility that we could not understand the truth how Asian American spend their life. That’s why this occurrence treated as one of discrimination for Asian American in this article. Also, this is the reason of the author called “myth”.


  1. In “The Cold War Origins of the Model Minority Myth” by Robert G. Lee, there are a lot of arguments against racial discrimination for Asian people who live in America. Especially, about the relationship between American Japanese and white American during World War Ⅱ, there was a willingness to use racial categories that led to some hardship among American Japanese because simply their physical appearance. Also, author pointed out contradiction that despite American government states democracy and racial equality, they used “racial difference” to achieve their goals.

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