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Inactive Sites Reminder

by | Sep 6, 2022 | Announcements

Remember to update the websites you create regularly to ensure they stay active! We have a policy as part of our Terms of Service that states that sites that are inactive because they haven’t been updated in more than 2 years, may be archived.

Every year, we run a report to see which sites are inactive. If your website has not been updated in more than 2 years, it may be archived. We send email and email reminders to the site owners to ask if the site is still being updated and if you want it to stay active. If we do not hear back or the site is not updated, we may archive the site. Archived sites can be reinstated by request.

Why do you archive sites?

We want to make sure that the sites we host are still needed. Sites are easy to create, so sometimes people create sites and either never use them or haven’t used them in years. People also leave UCI either because they graduate, find a new job, or retire. We have been running this service for 13 years. Over that time many of the original sites have been abandoned. By archiving the inactive sites we can help make sure the information on the websites stays up to date and relevant. We are thrilled if you want to keep using the service. We will happily keep any site active by request or simply update the content on a regular basis and it will always stay active.

What if I’m no longer at UCI?

Your access to editing the site is provided by your UCInetID. While you are a current student or an active employee, you should have access to your site. However, after that time, you will no longer be able to log in to make changes. We can export your site’s content upon request. Learn more about UCInetID Deletion Policies.

Help! I missed the email and my site has been archived.

No need to worry. We can easily unarchive your site and return it to its previous state. Contact us! We’re here to help.


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New Default Theme

We are pleased to introduce a new default theme for new websites and blogs hosted on UCI Sites. With so many themes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for your site. We tried to help you get started with an accessibility-ready theme that has been configured with UCI campus colors and styles. Continue Reading New Default Theme

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