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New Features Now Available

by | Dec 14, 2020 | Announcements

UCI Sites are now hosted by CampusPress, a leading provider of WordPress websites for higher education.

By migrating to CampusPress hosting, we can now offer a larger selection of themes and plugins. CampusPress has a large library of plugins curated for higher education that will help extend what you can do with your website. You can now enable plugins directly from your dashboard.

Report any issues with Migration

Thank you for your patience as we migrated your websites. If you notice any issues with your site after the migration, please contact technical support 24/7. There is now a Need Help? widget in your dashboard that you can use any time you have a question or need technical assistance.

Benefits Include

Unlimited File Uploads

You are no longer limited to 1 GB of media storage.

24/7 Technical Support

Need help after hours or on the weekends? Now you can reach out to support any time with the built-in support widget in your Dashboard.

Large Library of Plugins

Want to extend what your website can do? You can now choose from a wide variety of WordPress plugins curated for higher education.

New Features Include

Design & Layout

  • Co-blocks Plus – Add 20 extra blocks to the WordPress block editor.
  • Custom CSS – Write your own CSS to override your theme’s styles
  • Divi Theme and Page Builder – Visual drag & drop design framework
  • Divi Font Awesome – Add the FontAwesome library to Divi
  • Pixaby Images – Find Quality public domaiin images from Pixaby and upload them in just one click

Extended Functionality

  • A-Z Lists – Insert an A-Z list that is searchable and filterable
  • Advanced Tables – Create tables that are sortable, filterable, and searchable
  • Calendar + Events – Create, manage, and share your calendar and upcoming events.
  • Cool Timeline – Create a beautiful vertical timeline
  • Crowdsignal Polls & Ratings – Create and manage polls on your site
  • Embed Any Document – Quickly embed any document in a Page or Post
  • Formidable Forms – Easily create forms on your website
  • Google Calendar – Display your Google Calendar on your website
  • Jetpack by WordPress.com – Add the Jetpack features to your website

Site Management

  • Accessibility tools – in addition to having accessibility-ready themes, CampusPress also has several plugins to help make your site more accessible.
  • Batch add new users to your site
  • Duplicate Posts and Pages – Quickly clone Pages and Posts.
  • Google Analytics – View your site’s statistics inside your dashboard
  • Private Websites – Password protect or restrict your site to logged in users.
  • Safe Redirect Manager – Redirect your site, pages or posts to new URLs

Full list of available plugins

CampusPress offers a fully curated and growing list of WordPress plugins. Available Plugins

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I login to my new site?

You will continue to use your UCInetID and password. In addition, there will be a login link at the top of each site

Will my site address (URL) change?

No. You will keep your site URL whether it is https://sites.uci.edu/sitename/ or a custom URL you are using now.

Will we still be using WordPress?

Yes, we are still using WordPress as the content management system for UCI Sites. You now will have access to more themes and plugins to take your site to new levels.

Can I install a theme or plugin?

No, this is still a managed WordPress environment. If you need a plugin or theme, reach out to support. They will try to help you find an existing solution. If one does not exist, they can review requested plugins to try to find a solution. All new themes and plugins must be vetted by CampusPress and pass their code reviews.

How do I contact support?

You can contact technical support 24/7 by using the Need Help? Widget at the bottom of your Dashboard. You can also use the Tech Support Contact Form. If you have questions about the service or need advice, OIT staff are here to help.

Why is OIT moving to managed hosting?

By moving to managed hosting, we can dedicate more resources to helping people with their websites instead of managing the software and hardware. CampusPress staff are experts in WordPress and higher education and host millions of websites around the world. OIT staff will continue to manage the service for the campus.

Will I have to pay for the new hosting?

No, OIT is covering the cost for hosting on UCI Sites.

I have been using Beaver Builder. Can I continue to use that?

CampusPress uses Divi instead of Beaver Builder. They offer a similar set of features. If you are currently using Beaver Builder, you can continue to do so for now. We will be helping you to migrate to Divi. Udemy has a great course on learning all the powerful features of Divi. UCI has a site license for Udemy, simply login with your UCInetID and password to start learning new skills

Can you help me build my website?

We may be able to help on a recharge basis. By moving to CampusPress, we have more staff resources available for this type of work. Please contact us to start a discussion.


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New Default Theme

We are pleased to introduce a new default theme for new websites and blogs hosted on UCI Sites. With so many themes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for your site. We tried to help you get started with an accessibility-ready theme that has been configured with UCI campus colors and styles. Continue Reading New Default Theme

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