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Disable Comments Plugin

by | Sep 17, 2021 | Tips & Tricks

WordPress was developed in 2003 as a simple way to publish blogs. A big part of blogging is encouraging a conversation with your readers. This can be a great way to interact with folks. However, it can also be a challenge to maintain because blog spam is common. If you don’t use the comments feature on your site, you can disable it completely using the Disable Comments Completely plugin.

The Disable Comments Completely plugin does include some granularity. You can disable comments from Posts, Pages and/or Media. You may want to keep comments on your Posts, but disable it for Pages and Media. These content types rarely benefit from comments and are often targeted by spammers.

Activate the Disable Comments Completely plugin

Tip: You will need to be an administrator to activate or deactivate plugins.

  1. From your dashboard, go to Plugins
  2. Search or browse for the “Disable Comments Completely” plugin.
  3. Click the Activate button.
  4. The plugin should now be activated and available for you to use.

Disable Comments Settings

  1. Go to Settings > Disable Comments.
  2. Select Everywhere if you to disable all comments from Posts, Pages, and Media.
  3. Or select where you want to disable comments.

(Note: This will only disable future comments. You will have to delete any previous comments if you don’t want them to appear.)

For more detailed information, read this CampusPress article on the Disable Comments Completely Plugin.


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We are pleased to introduce a new default theme for new websites and blogs hosted on UCI Sites. With so many themes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for your site. We tried to help you get started with an accessibility-ready theme that has been configured with UCI campus colors and styles. Continue Reading New Default Theme

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