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Royalty-Free Images from Pixabay

by | Jul 21, 2022 | Tips & Tricks

In 2019 we shared a variety of websites where you can find royalty-free images for your website or blog. Before adding images to your website, make sure you have permission to use them. If you don’t take the photos yourself, the next best option is to find photographers and artists who are willing to share their images. Often all they ask for is attribution.

UCI Sites now has a plugin you can activate that will allow you to search, download and embed photos directly from your WordPress website. It searches the Pixabay library and will download the images for you.

Activate the Pixabay Images plugin to get started

You will need to be an administrator on the website to be able to activate plugins.

  1. Go to Plugins > All and look for Pixabay Images
  2. Click the Activate button
    Activate Pixabay Images

How to add a Pixabay Image

  1. Create or edit a Post or Page
  2. If you are still using the Classic Editor, look for a Pixabay button next to Add Media.
    Pixaby button in the Classic Editor
  3. If you using the Block Editor, you will need to use a Classic Block to search for and insert a Pixabay image.
    1. Add a Classic Block
    2. Click the Add Media button. (It looks like a camera and musical note.)
      Image toolbar
  4. In the Add Media screen, click Pixabay Images in the left section.
    Pixaby Images
  5. Type a search term and click Enter or click the magnifying glass.
    Pixaby search for "anteaters"
  6. The plugin will search Pixabay’s extensive library and return the results.
  7. Find the photo you want to use and click on it to download.
  8. Add in Alternative Text to make sure it is web-accessible!
  9. Choose the size you want to use and click Insert Into Post.
    screenshot showing the settings for downloading a Pixaby image
  10. The image will now appear on your page or post. The image will also be downloaded to your Media Library allowing you to re-use it on your website. Once downloaded you can use it on any block that uses images from your media library.


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New Default Theme

We are pleased to introduce a new default theme for new websites and blogs hosted on UCI Sites. With so many themes to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is right for your site. We tried to help you get started with an accessibility-ready theme that has been configured with UCI campus colors and styles. Continue Reading New Default Theme

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