Widget Blocks

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You can now add some widgets to a Page or Post instead of being limited to widget areas in your theme. There may be more widget blocks available that are installed with plugins. These are the core widget blocks. Updates to WordPress core have added new ones. We will update these as we find them.

Shortcode Widget Block

With the Shortcode Widget block you can add any available shortcodes. For example, if you are using our Formidable Froms, you can use the shortcode to place your form.

example of the shortcode widget box

Archives Widget Block

The Archives Widget block displays a monthly archive of your Posts. You have the option of displaying the list as a dropdown and displaying a post count.

Calendar Widget

The Calendar Widget block is a monthly calendar showing your Posts.

July 2024

Categories Widget Block

Latest Comments Block

The Latest Comments block displays a list of the most recent comments. You have the options of showing the Avatar, the date, and displaying an excerpt of the comment. You can also change how many are displayed.

RSS Block

The RSS block lets you add an RSS feed to any page or post. You can view the feed in a list or a grid. The list view is shown below.

UCI News Feed

Search Block

You can add a WordPress search block on any page or post.

Tag Cloud

The tag cloud block shows a list of your Posts tags, styled with the most common ones in larger type.

accessibility advanced analytics archived block editor blocks campuspress comments css divi email verification Facebook fontawesome google analytics google translate gutenberg icons images inactive Jetpack language login migration pixaby plugins polylang privacy school of medicine search seo settings stats stock photos support tables themes training Twitter uci health udemy user web hosting widget widgets wordpress core

Latest Posts

You can now insert your latest posts on any page or post. You can display the titles, the content (excerpt or full post), post date, and featured image. You can also choose the category and how many posts you want to display.

Social Icons

Add links to your Social Media accounts using the Social Icons block. Choose from 3 styles. Add the addresses of your accounts. If you don’t see what you need, use the plus icon to add a different social account.