2020 Yule Ball

Our biggest event of the year, the Yule Ball is soon approaching! The Yule Ball will take place on Friday, February 21st from 5:30 to 8:30 pm in Pacific Ballroom ABC in the Student Center. We are very excited to announce that our theme will be… (drum roll please!)… Winter Wonderland!!! Please come in your coolest attire. This event is semi-formal to formal, so feel comfortable dressing as wintery as you like!

The Yule ball features a string quintet, waltzing, a DJ, a photographer, more dancing, and light refreshments. It is the classiest ball of the year!

For dues-paying members of the DA, tickets are $10. All others, presale tickets are $15, and $20 at the door. Presale tickets will available starting February 10th on Ring Road all weekdays. Online tickets will be sold through Venmo, please Venmo @Avineesh-Kompella and specify your full name, number of tickets, and the event (Yule Ball). Presale tickets are sold until February 20th. We are also selling our signature butterbeer for $2, so be sure to stop by for some delicious Harry Potter-themed soda.

2019 Yule Ball? Oh, heck yes!

Yule Ball

No photo description available.Our biggest event of the year, the Yule Ball is soon approaching! The Yule Ball will take place on Friday, February 1st from 6:30 to 10pm in Pacific Ballroom ABC in the Student Center. We are very excited to announce that our theme will be… (drum roll please!)… THE ROARING 20’s!!! Please come in your swankiest attire. This event is semi-formal to formal, so feel comfortable dressing as a flapper or a 20’s style gangster you want!

The Yule ball features a string quintet, waltzing, a DJ, a photographer, more dancing, and light refreshments. It is the classiest ball of the year!

For dues-paying members of the DA, tickets are $10. All others, presale tickets are $15, and $20 at the door. Presale tickets will available starting January 22nd on Ring Road all weekdays until and online at https://tinyurl.com/UCIYuleBall2019. Presale tickets are sold until February 1st. We are also selling our signature butterbeer for $2, so be sure to stop by for some delicious Harry Potter-themed soda.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for ticket-making and boothing. You can sign up for boothing at https://tinyurl.com/YuleBoothing . You will earn 10 house points for each hour of volunteering. More information on ticket-making is available in the Dumbledore’s Anteaters group page on Facebook.


Winter Quarter Meetings

As a reminder, our Winter Quarter Meetings are Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:20 in HH 100. Here is our schedule for this quarter by week:

  1. White Elephant
  2. Mafia
  3. Tiny Sorting Hats (Craft)
  4. Waltzing Lesson
  5. Midterm Relief
  6. Non-canon ships
  7. Potion Necklaces (craft)
  8. Cards Against Muggles
  9. Trivia
  10. Winner’s Choice

ENIGMA, T-Shirts, and Volunteers, oh my!


We are very excited to announce that ENIGMA will be returning this year on Halloween! ENIGMA is a coalition of a bunch of nerdy groups on campus who come together to have a big ol’ Halloween bash. This year, ENIGMA will feature Zotbenders, the Weiss Schwarz Club, ZotCon at UCI, the Pokémon Club, the Yugioh Club at UCI, Anteaters’ Guide to the Galaxy, Cal Animage Epsilon, the Association of Gamers at UCI, and, of course, Dumbledore’s Anteaters. ENIGMA will be held on October 31st from 6:30 to 9:30 in Emerald Bay BC. The theme this year is “Haunted House.” Admittance is free, but we will be selling our famous Butterbeer and other snacks and refreshments. ENIGMA will feature several raffles in which prizes big and small will be given away. The event page is up with more information here: https://tinyurl.com/ENIGMA2018.

There is also a costume contest; winners in the categories of “Best Costume,” “Best Couple/Pair,” and “Audience Favorite” will receive prizes. Please note that any prop or real weapons, fake blood, and large props will not be permitted in compliance to UCI policy.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for poster-making before the event and during ENIGMA itself. Poster making will be Monday and Tuesday, October 22 and 23, from 12-4 pm. Please sign up to help at https://tinyurl.com/ENIGMAposter. On the day of ENIGMA, we will need help with set up, break down, and boothing. Please sign up for that here: https://tinyurl.com/ENIGMAhelper. You will earn 10 house points for each hour of volunteering.

T-Shirt Contest

It’s that time of the year where we ask all of our most creative witches and wizards to conjure up a beautiful design for this year’s t-shirt! The winner of the contest will be awarded 20 House Points and a free t-shirt with their design. Submissions are due October 25th! You can view the full rules at https://tinyurl.com/HPtshirt.

Fall Quarter Meetings

As a reminder, our Fall Quarter Meetings are Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:20 in HH 100. Here is our schedule for this quarter by week:

  1. Oct 4: Headbands
  2. Oct 11: Wand-making
  3. Oct 18: Mafia
  4. Oct 25: Floating Candles
  5. Nov 1: Midterm Relief
  6. Nov 8: Cards Against Muggles
  7. Nov 15: Draco on Trial
  8. Nov 22: Thanksgiving (No Meeting)
  9. Nov 29: Trivia
  10. Dec 6: Winner’s Choice

2018-2019 Year Beginning Soon!

Hello DA!!!

We hope you all had a FANTASTIC summer. We are going to be at the Anteater Involvement Fair on Monday, September 24th. Come visit us from 12-4pm in Aldrich Park. [Edit: We are booth 387 facing the H section.] Here is the Facebook event from UCI Campus Organizations and Volunteer Programs: click me!!!

We are also so excited to be holding our annual Sorting Ceremony on Tuesday, September 25th from 6-9:30 in Engineering Hall 1200. There will be food, giveaways, and most importantly, we will sort all our new members into their new houses! This is the link for the Sorting Ceremony event: click me too!!! We are also looking for volunteers to help us set up, break down, and run our extra magical event. If you can make it, we would very much appreciate your help. Sign up here: weeeeeee!!!!!

As a reminder your Heads of House for this year are Katrina (Gryffindor), Heather (Hufflepuff), Cat (Slytherin), and Emma (Ravenclaw).

We’re super excited to see you all very soon! Until then,


Meeting Recap: Winter wk 1 (Yule Ball, Tshirts, and crafts)

Welcome back from a (short) Winter Break! Hopefully everyone is well-rested, because there are a lot of cool things happening in club this quarter. Meetings are Wednesdays, 6-8 pm in HH 156.

In this post:

  • Yule Ball: tickets on sale now!
  • Club Reminders, current House Points standings
  • Club T-shirts still available
  • Next week’s meeting: Potter Puppet Pals finger puppets


Meeting Recap: Week 7 (T-Shirts, Slytherin House, and more)

Our T-shirt design contest is over, and the winning entry is……

DA shirt…the Deathly Hallows and Anteater design by Maranda!

The design will be printed in white ink on a dark heather gray shirt. If you’d like to buy one, let club leadership know by emailing dumbledoresanteaters@gmail.com with your name, cut (unisex or women’s), and size (S, M, L, XL). They’ll cost no more than $10 each (exact price TBD) and will be available for pick-up starting tenth week.

During the meeting, we had a lively discussion on The Negative Treatment of Slytherin House in the HP Canon and examined the characterization of Severus Snape. We can’t recap the whole discussion into this post, but members have linked some nice articles and opinion pieces by other HP fans on the internet:


We also engaged in a small tangent about Dumbledore:

… but that’s another discussion for another day.

Upcoming Meetings and Reminders:

  • Sunday, Nov 23 is Yule Ball Ticket-Making day! If you’re free and want to help out, stop by the Puerta del Sol community room anytime from 1-5 pm.
  • Week 8 is the day before Thanksgiving, so we’re having an informal hangout.
  • Week 9 is Golden Snitch Ornament craft day! Bring $3 to cover materials if you haven’t yet paid dues.
  • The House Cup will be awarded Week 10. Members of the winning House will receive handmade ballpoint quills as a prize, and gain the honor of choosing that day’s meeting activity.