In case you missed yesterday’s DA meeting or forgot what we talked about, here’s a quick recap/rundown of upcoming club events:
Our weekly meetings will be Wednesdays from 6:30-8:20 in HH 143!
Anteater Involvement Fair
Come visit us at Booth 102! That’s between Humanities and Social Sciences, and across from info booth B. We’re under a red canopy, so we’ll be easy to spot! Check the map to see exactly where we are.
UCI Summer Games 2014
Dumbledore’s Anteaters participated in UCI’s second annual Summer Games festival, which took place on August 8, 2014 in Aldrich Park. We saw some great performances by other clubs on campus and enjoyed free ice cream, courtesy of the event organizers.
Thank you to everyone who helped staff the booth, and to everyone who stopped by to visit and take pics with our Azkaban wanted poster and Harry/Ron/Hermione cutout! All the photos can be found on our facebook page.
ENIGMA Irregulars
Now that the school year has come and gone, it’s time to enjoy the summer. The ENIGMA Irregulars are members from all four ENIMGA clubs (DA, Whovians, RPG, and Anime) that get together about once a week through Summer Session 1 and 2 to hang out and do nerdy things.
We hope you’ll join us!
Upcoming Events
7/24: Star Wars Movie Night (or some other movie TBD)
7/31: Laser tag at LaserQuest
8/7: Fencing night, part II
8/14: Stage Combat workshop with Bradley
TBD: Lord of the Rings Movie Night
TBD: Trip to Whimsic Alley
TBD: Trip to Little Tokyo
Some time in August: See a Shakespeare play – Twelfth Night
Past Events
6/26: Hangout!
6/27: Legend of Korra Book 3 premiere
7/1: Food Trucks at Irvine Lanes
7/10: Pho night
7/17: Fencing night, part I
Spring Quarter 2014
Spring Quarter 2014: Meetings are held every Monday from 6:30 – 8:30 in Humanities Hall 254. All are welcome! At your first meeting, we will Sort you into one of the four Houses of Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, or Hufflepuff, where you will remain for your time at UCI. (Re-sorts can be requested once a quarter.) Check out the various pages for more information about the club!
Current member dues: $5 per quarter or $12 for the entire year. Benefits: Reduced cost or free participation in activities (e.g. wandmaking workshop, potion bottle necklaces), discounts on Yule Ball, Halloween Party, and ENIGMA events admission.