This sports drink has 14g of sugar per serving. There are 2.5 servings in each bottle.
14 g ✖ 2.5 = 35 g sugar
Did you know 4 grams of sugar equals 1 teaspoon of sugar?
35 g ➗ 4 = 8.75 teaspoons
That’s almost 9 teaspoons of sugar in 1 sports drink!
How much sugar is contained in other sugary drinks? Find out here.
Help Me Avoid Sugary Drinks
Fruit juice has more sugar than fruit and none of the healthy fiber. If I am craving something sweet, offer whole fruit instead of juice.
My caregivers should…
- Not put juice or other sweetened beverages in my bottle.
- Teach me to ask other adults for water or milk.
- Give me three ½ cup servings of low-fat or skim milk every day if I’m older than 1 year.
- Try to limit juice to one 4-ounce glass per day.
- Mix juice with water to dilute sugar content.