Hi! My name is Dave Aguilar and I am currently an undergraduate at UCI doubling in Psychological and Biological Sciences. I am a Volunqueer and a Bureau Speaker at UCI’s LGBTRC. In the future, I hope to become a physician and practice psychiatry, focusing on the needs of underserved LGBTQ+ folx. I currently serve as a volunteer for the Gender Diversity Program. 

In the short time that I have been a part of this program, I have been astounded to see the amount of dedication that all of the members have had in caring for the patients and making sure they have their needs met. It was surprising to me that not a single patient’s story is lost in the busy humdrum of running the clinic. Their experiences are instead used to assess every patient’s individual needs. My favorite part of volunteering for the program so far is seeing how the providers interact with the patients at the clinic, celebrating their victories with them and sincerely empathizing with their pain. This is what I believe make a truly phenomenal provider, and I hope to learn even more as I continue my time volunteering with the GDP.

I believe this is a phenomenal program and there is so much more we can do with your help! Please consider donating to the UCI Pediatric Gender Diversity Program using the link below. 

Thanks so much!

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Team Member Introduction: Dave Aguilar
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