Caregiver Education

A unique partnership was developed between the Sue and Bill Gross School of Nursing (SON) at UCI and the In-Home Support Services (IHSS) from the Public Authority of Orange County. Training for MediCal-paid caregivers was integrated into the curriculum of our Undergraduate BS student courses in Geriatric Nursing and Public Health Nursing/Community Nursing and Master’s Entry Program of Nursing students (MEPN) at the SON. This program allows nursing students to develop teaching skills and learn about caring for older adults. This model, bridging university and community programs, is now an integral part of both the School of Nursing and IHSS administration. Trainings take place in person, however during the Covid-19 pandemic training took place via virtual videos.

UCI/IHSS Caregiver Education: How to Care for Older Adults with Shingles (English)

UCI/IHSS Caregiver Education: Infection Control – Flu Prevention (English)

UCI/IHSS Caregiver Education: How to Care for Older Adults with High Blood Pressure (English)


Trained Geriatricians


Years of Excellence

Get In Touch

Location:  101 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 9286

Telephone:  (714) 456-7888