Digital Health

CARES ACT Funding: Digital Innovations to Respond to the COVID Pandemic

In the face of the devestating COVID-19 Pandemic, we quickly pivoted to provide telehealth visits to our older adult patients. We recognized the need to research the use and implementation of remote patient monitoring (RPM) to care for our vulnerable patients managing complex chronic diseases at home.

We build the first EPIC-embedded RPM program at UC Irvine Health and successfully piloted our team-based program. 

ASSIST Research Program: 

Assisting and Supporting Socially Isolated Seniors through Telehealth in the COVID-19 Pandemic

1. Develop Telehealth Delivery Services to Provide Comprehensive Primary Care Away from Physical Sites for High-Risk Geriatric Patients
2. Educate Healthcare Professionals in Teams to Provide Effective Telehealth Management of Complex Geriatric Patients


The Digital HEALTH Initiative (Health, Equity, Access, Learning & Technology Hub)