


ENding and Disrupting Elder Abuse Recidivism for Person-Centered APS – Community Transitions

The Center of Excellence on Elder Abuse and Neglect (EAFC) at the University of California, Irvine is partnering with Orange County Adult Protective Services (APS) and the Health Care Agency’s Office of the Public Guardian (PG) to develop a person-centered program to disrupt the cycle of elder and dependent adult abuse (EDDA) for Public Guardian clients. This program, Ending and Disrupting Elder Abuse Recidivism (ENDEAR) for Person-Centered APS – Community Transitions, focuses on APS clients who have been referred to the PG for determinations of guardianship and provide coordinated case management for victims/survivors.


The Forensic Center is staffed by professionals from legal, medical, social services and law enforcement agencies.  Forensic Center members conduct case reviews; check in-home medical and mental status; do evidentiary investigations; tape victim interviews; educate; consult and do research.

The collaboration brings these experts together to better understand, identify and treat elder abuse, determine more efficient ways to successfully prosecute elder abuse cases and support the prevention of elder abuse through greater awareness and education among those professionals who work with older and disabled adults.

To learn more about our work at the UCI CENTER OF EXCELLENCE ON ELDER ABUSE & NEGLECT, please follow the link below. 


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Location:  101 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 9286

Telephone:  (714) 456-7888