Administrative Updates

Our class blogroll has been constructed and you can now use that page as a way of navigating to your fellow classmate’s websites. I have tried to respect varying degrees of privacy by using only your first name to identify your site to your classmates. In some cases, however, I have also had to use the first letter of your last name in cases where two people have the same first name. Please let me know if you have any issues with how I have linked to your website. Some of you have not sent me the URLs for your websites to be added to this blogroll, others have not yet posted their prewriting for the literary journalism assignment (the first blog post of the quarter). If either of those statements applies to you, please remedy this as soon as possible. A few reminders about deadlines this week (deviating from the schedule on the original syllabus):

Monday, April 18

  • I will be available for drop-in meetings during my regularly scheduled office hours from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. in HIB 195
  • Make sure you have watched Invisible War for lecture and section meeting

Wednesday, April 20

  • I will have extra drop-in office hours from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in HIB 195
  • Submit peer editing documentation in section meeting for participation credit (or upload to “LitJ Peer Review” EEE Dropbox)

Friday, April 22

  • Submit final draft of Literary Journalism essay to “LitJ Final Draft” EEE Dropbox and

Remember: Humanities Core Course has Peer Tutors available for scheduled appointments. If you are struggling with this assignment, think about visiting with a tutor once you have had a chance to try and address your peers’ comments on your essay. Make sure to bring the assignment prompt, a current draft of your essay, and any transcribed material you have compiled.