Beginning August 1, 2020 we are implementing a coordination process for all Student Affairs surveys being sent to 200 or more students. Thus, any survey you wish to administer on or after August 1 will need prior approval and scheduling.
To have your survey approved for distribution, and to reserve specific dates for administering it, the Student Affairs Survey Request form must be completed. The form will ask you to provide information about your survey, to whom it will be administered, and when you want to send it. This, along with the survey instrument (the survey itself), will be reviewed to:
- Determine that the information in the survey is not already available (has not been collected by another survey recently, and cannot be obtained another way)
- Stagger administration dates of Student Affairs surveys and, to the extent possible, avoid times when other campus surveys (sponsored outside of Student Affairs) are being administered
- Survey smaller, random samples when appropriate (We can generate a random sample or a stratified random sample of students for you, whatever best meets your needs.)
- Review the survey instrument for best practices of survey design so the survey results will be most useful
Survey requests can be made by completing the form and submitting your survey instrument four weeks prior to when you want to send out your survey. Anita Iannucci, Ph.D., Director, Assessment, Research & Evaluation, will respond with approval and confirmation of administration dates.
This process must be completed for all surveys with the exceptions of:
- Workshop evaluations (including online) administered within 24 hours following the workshop, or
- Surveys of fewer than 200 students
For questions, please contact Director Iannucci at
Edgar J. Dormitorio
Assistant Vice Chancellor & Chief of Staff
Communications & Special Programs
Office of the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs
University of California, Irvine