Maximus Relaximus

For spring break, I decided to stay at the dorms. Since The Anteatery is down for the break, I made food preparations so I didn’t have to leave my room for the entire week. These preparations included many packs of instant ramen along with eggs and some beef patties. There was a kitchen downstairs to provide hot water to fuel everything, so I was ready to camp out in my dorm room for the week. My roommates went home for the break so I had the entire dorm to myself. It was fun not having to wear headphones and blasting my music, since I was used to that kind of setup at home. I also had my computer to keep my company for the entire week, which I used to catch up on my video games. Overall, my spring break was pretty much just me by myself in the dorm room having a good time playing video games.

As my final quarter of my first year starts, I have set a few decently hard goals for myself. The hardest goal for me is to pass all my classes with at least a B. It is rather difficult because I decided to take 20 units which also include some difficult classes like Math 2B and ICS 31. I need these classes to be done so I can graduate on time, but the course load is quite large. Another thing I want to accomplish by the end of this quarter is to find time to return to Micro center so I can get some new parts for my computer. That means I would also need to save some extra money as well, which wouldn’t be too hard if I’m frugal enough. Overall, I’m aiming for a good final stretch for the end of my first year of college, and if things went as smoothly as they did before, it would be a piece of cake, although the cake would be baked by me which means it would be overly sweet and hard to the point where it is crunchy.