Blogger Introduction and UCI First Impressions

What’s up everyone?! My name is Ron and I’m excited to be a new ZotBlogger for the 2019-2020 school year! I can’t wait to be able to share my experiences this year, and for you all to come along this journey as it happens. So without further ado let’s get this started!

As a ZotBlogger I am writing my experiences as a first-year undeclared student here at UCI. If there is one thing to know about me, it is that I am very inquisitive and enjoy interdisciplinary learning, so the majors I am considering pursuing range from drama to informatics. It will be a process trying to find the best major for me this year but nevertheless an enriching one for sure.

Before coming into this position, I was living my best life in the East Bay Area, a region that I am proud to call my home. Moving here to Southern California, though, has been a fun change in my environment and being able to live in such a great city such as Irvine has only made my experience even better. Moreover, actually moving away from my family and starting what I call, “adulting”, or a true, independent lifestyle, has been a positive learning experience for me. 

When it came to networking in a new campus I was fortunate enough that before classes began I was already accepted as an intern for the ASUCI (Associated Students – University of California, Irvine) Art Lab commission where I am happy to say I have met many people of similar interests and personalities (me being a huge performing arts person). There were also already many fun activities planned for week 0 (quick shoutout to ASUCI for a huge success during Welcome Week) which allowed me to meet all sorts of people in the student body. 

After all the fun of week 0, classes began and suddenly I had to juggle my schoolwork along with my social life and “adulting”. It surprised me how busy my days were getting as despite one or two hour-long classes a day, I was still responsible for amounts of homework that I admittedly was not anticipating. I’ve learned that organization will be key to surviving this quarter as with many club meetings and assignment due dates to keep track of, it is important to stay on top of everything (Google Calendar is basically my best friend for keeping my life together). College is definitely different from high school as accountability for your own schedule and time management is even more important and this has taken some getting used to lately. 

Nevertheless, I am enjoying this adjustment into a new school environment. There are many resources that satisfy my love for learning and getting to know people. UCI has some of the best students and faculty so classes and clubs have been nothing but enjoyable. Such a great start only makes me look forward to what is in store for the rest of this school year. With that said, zot zot zot for the start of fall quarter!