Finally a break!

I was really looking forward to Thanksgiving break. Not only because it implies 4-day holiday, but also because my parents came to visit me for my birthday and we wanted to celebrate during the break. We planned to visit Joshua Tree National Park.

I like traveling and explore what is around Irvine and California in general. I have already been to many places but there still much more to see. I also enjoy nature and hikes. What appears to have it at one place is any national park. So far I have visited 6 national parks in Utah, Arizona and California. I have a goal to visit them all one day. Therefore Joshua Tree was a good choice as I have never been there and it is comparably close to Irvine (about 2-hour drive)

I am usually free after 1 pm on Wednesday but this time I was actually free half an hour earlier so my parents picked me up and we headed to the park right away so we are don’t get to drive in traffic. This didn’t work, and we were moving slower that a turtle on the 55th highway.

We arrived to the hotel near the park long after sunset and just went to sleep.

The next day was awesome. We spent it exploring the park, hiking and taking pictures of those funny Joshua Trees and beautiful rocks. For the sunset I climbed the Key Mountain and took some amazing shots. We were “followed” by the biggest moon I have seen I my life. This was astonishing and breathtaking.

The next day we went to see Palm Springs cable car. It takes you to the top of mount St. Jack to at the elevation of around 8.5k feet. Wow! Those views were just “Wow!” There is also a hike on the top of the mountain that features several notches with a view so beautiful, you can’t even stop looking.

Returning back to studies and daily routine was kind of sad but at the same time I realized that I missed studies! That might sound strange but this is how it is. I am looking forward to the end of the quarter and to the beginning of the new one!

Ravioli Ravioli Whats in the Ant Eatery

If you live in Mesa Court, you most likely would have heard about the Ant Eatery. It is the designated eating spot in Mesa Court and it looks good being the first floor of the Mesa Court towers. Its got a modern feel to it, with big windows and outside patios. If you got a 7-day meal plan, chances are that most of your meals would be eaten there. It has a wide selection of food, ranging from burgers to pasta. It alternates from day to day, so most of the time there would be different food choices available, unless you are a burger person then by all means, eat burgers all day since that is never off the menu. It even comes with a ton of desert options as well, from ice cream to brownies if you have a sweets craving. It is a fine dining experience if you can afford it and everything is all you can eat, making that freshman 15 a reality within a few weeks.

Sometimes there are really good days at the Ant Eatery, where they have special promotions or food for the season. For Halloween, they offered a special pumpkin ice cream and pumpkin spice hot chocolate, which in my opinion was really good. Some of you folks might not enjoy pumpkin which is ok, as they offer spiced apple cider as well during those times. And just recently they had a night where they collaborated with the food trucks around campus to bring you food truck food such as Vietnamese sandwiches and mac and cheese balls. I highly recommend nugget night and wings Wednesday for their late night courses since their nuggets are great and the buffalo sauce is top tier.

Sometimes you might just get sick and tired of the same type of food at the Ant Eatery and need to diversify. However, other food places actually require cash and money is tight since you spent it on something you didn’t really need but was cool so you wanted it. Theres where creativity comes in. Tired of all the normal sauces on your burger and just can not perfect that one burger place’s taste? Try using the salad bar’s sauces on your burger. Oriental and honey mustard might just be the taste you are looking for in a burger. Tired of the same burger all the time? Try adding hash browns to it which is usually served during breakfast or brunch, A nice crunchy burger tastes good and fills you up too. Not too hungry and just want a light dinner? Try a crispy chicken patty with a side of plain rice. Works for me every time. Sometimes all the pieces are there, but just spread out. It is up to you to build the perfect meal in the Ant Eatery.

Freewrite #1: Interesting Event

One of the most interesting events that happened to me was on Saturday, two days before Veterans Day when my high school friend (let’s call him Michael) and I decided to go for a hike and catch up. We haven’t seen each other for a while and we both were excited about this hike. We left around 4:00 pm, anticipating be back home around 8 or 9 pm most because the hike wasn’t too long.
A couple of hours went by we talked about a lot of things: college, classes, workload, balancing, health, career, and life in general. It was a fun and relaxed trip until my friend said: “Let’s go back to the parking lot and grab dinner.” I agreed and started to head back from the trail we walked on, only to realize something was off.
“Shouldn’t there be a sign somewhere saying what trail it is and how long it was?” I asked. There was no sign anywhere and it was getting dark.
“What about the map?” Michael asked. We pulled out the map and tried to make sense of our location, but it was no help.
“Let me just use the GPS and we are out of here,” I said. I pulled out my cell phone, but to our dismay, I had no service.
“Hey I don’t have any service, could you check yours?” I asked anxiously. Michael had no service either.
“We are lost aren’t we.” pointed out Michael. I nodded slowly while trying to figure out a way to get back to the car. We decided to walk back on the unknown trail we were on and hope to see another human being or a sign or intersection. About an hour later, we had no luck but we kept walking. It was around 9:30 pm my phone buzzed with concern messages and phone calls from my parents and I realized we finally got the network. GPS led us out back to the car and I was never more glad to see a car or a parking lot until that day. We drove back home, and I explained to my concern parents what really happened.
Looking back, I realized we would have an easier time getting out if it wasn’t for how dark it got, because of the daylight savings time. But even more, I realized both my friend and I kept our cool and didn’t panic. Sure we got scared of snakes possibly slithering around, but we kept marching. Now, everytime we talk about this event, we laugh about the interesting event that happened.

The Socially Awkward Commuter’s Guide to Making Friends in College

Some people inherit the gift of being social butterflies. Charisma oozes from their every pore. Their charm grabs the attention and hearts of those around them. They would probably be exceptional insurance or cars salesmen.

Unfortunately, I am not one of those select few.

With my social skills, I probably garner the same amount of interest from people as a pet hamster does from a 12-year-old child. Initially, the interaction seems engaging to both parties, and there appears to be a bond forming. Well, the connection never cements. And five minutes later, they lose interest quickly and move onto something else.

Especially as someone that moved during their junior year of high school, surely I must have picked up on a few conversation skills. But even with having to form friendships all from scratch when everyone around me had been best buddies since sharing a cubby-hole in first grade, there simply were no improvements in those departments… No greater understanding of social cues. No refined techniques at striking up small talk. No common sense to shut up at some point on how Peter Gadiot from Queen of the South is the love of your life when you converse about favorite Netflix shows.

However, in spite of being a commuter that leaves campus right after class to chauffer their younger sibling to and from school and their extracurriculars, I was able to form a pretty solid core group of friends.

When you are a first year and a commuter, it is easy for the excitement of meeting new people to be quickly overshadowed by anxious thoughts of if you can even find anyone to connect with in the first place. Your first friend is not the roommate that shares an almost identical schedule of classes. You do not have an immediate group of friends from the people you see every day in your dormitory halls. And sometimes, you feel as if you do not have enough time to actually get to know someone especially if you have stilted social mannerisms.

But, there are thousands of other students on campus. Hundreds of them are just as new. Many of them just as socially awkward.

The biggest secret to making friends in college? Do not be afraid to say hi.

At first, you wonder if it would be considered annoying or an invasion of personal space if you sat in the seat right directly next to an individual in a lecture. Even so, you would be surprised at how many people respond back positively to you initiating a conversation. That’s how I met three of my current best friends. Additionally, eventually with such a large number of students, you will meet someone with similar interests, quirks, and celebrity crushes. And if none of those two pieces of advice worked out well, you can always bond with someone over a food outing. Long periods of silence are not always necessarily awkward if you and other people are sharing Chick Fil A waffle fries in that time frame.

Midterm Mayhem

For me, one word that accurately sums up the midterm experience is yikes. Midterm week was not the most painful experience I have gone through. However, I honestly have an exponentially better time sitting through two hours of rush hour traffic on the way home compared to when I sat down for fifty minutes to take an exam.  

As someone who passed all of the AP tests they took during high school, I thought the same success would be duplicated college. Just keep your head down and work hard. Do not spend class time fixated on Peter Gadiot’s Instagram feed. Take a few hours the day before to study. Then it should not be too taxing to ace midterms, right?

Well, my strive for fives during high school quickly translated over into pleas for C’s at UCI. I studied for eight hours only to earn a grade that the teachers displayed on their post-exam score distribution bar graphs as barely average. Yes, I was incredibly disappointed with my results. Yes, I was incredibly envious towards the few of my peers who earned an almost perfect score. Yet, I probably deserved an even lower grade than the two seventy percent marks I received.

With round two of chemistry and biology midterms in two weeks and math in two days, I try to follow the advice I am giving now. One of the best habits I wish I had picked up on earlier was beginning to review at least four days before an exam. Though waiting until the last minute to study does mean you will be older. Unfortunately, it does mean you will be any wiser. Also, midterms do not measure how much information you cram in. They test how much information you can put out.

Two, get enough sleep. The few hours of studying you gain from skipping out on shut-eye is borrowed time. The stress of midterms was more than enough without sleep deprivation compounding it by giving me the mental capacity of a three-year-old. Also, especially as someone who typically does not drink coffee, I do not recommend doing so the day of midterms. Caffeine let me experience a momentary energy rush. But the effects of the high wore off quickly. And the crash was brutal. In my sleep-deprived daze, I had not noticed I wandered into the bike lane when walking back to my car. I am terribly sorry to all those bikers I inconvenienced and whose paths I impeded that day.

Three, find a balance between overconfidence and pessimism. Midterms are supposed to be difficult. I may not have gotten the results I desired on the last two midterms I recently took, but there is still one more plus a final. I guess instead of retaining a self-defeatist attitude, I just have to work harder towards the next two opportunities presented to me.

A fourth and final piece of advice. You may look up towards the heavens for inspiration. Down at your test in concentration and determination. But unless you also want to see the Dean, refrain from looking right or left out of desperation. 

Good luck to the rest of you during your next midterms!