Who said “It’s too late”

Hello my fellow anteater, I’m sure you all know that our time to bear the title of college greenhorns is about to come to an end. Although there might be those of you out there who are probably screaming with joy “YAYY I’M ONE STEP CLOSER TO GETTING OUT OF HERE,” there are those of you out there who are probably scared for your life. You’re probably tossing and turning now that you’ve tasted a bit of what the college life is about and wondering if this sort of life is for you. “WELL LIFE DOSEN’T CHOOSE YOU, YOU CHOOSE IT”; although this sounded a lot cooler in my head and I’m writing it down, my point still stands. Choose a life worth living basically.

This also applies to if you’ve already started something; it’s never too late to turn back and start a new if you need to. Don’t think about it too much and just do it and that is why starting spring I’m going to turn over a new leaf, stop procrastinating, and do my homework (I’m literally kidding maybe). My point is set goals for yourself. Although preventing procrastination is up there, I plan to add new ones like swimming. Most of you might not know, but I also don’t know how to swim or drive.

Now that I’m going to be starting over a new quarter, there are a lot of things that I wish I did differently. However, the past is the past and there’s nothing you can do to change it. So instead of crying over one decision across multiple I have to make, I plan to set small goals that I can accomplish to cover up for my past mistakes. That in itself is also a type of goal that I plan to achieve.

Alright folks I think that’s enough from me, I leave you to live your lives

You’re favorite anteater signing out…..

Turtle Mind

As I am right now I would like to say that I have fully assimilated with the UCI lifestyle, but who knows life is always full of surprises. Thinking back to when I came here I didn’t know what I wanted or what to expect. Even thinking about it, I still don’t know what I want but I’ve come to terms with this and realized it’s part of the experience. Everyday I’m constantly being challenged to question my entire existence, if the path I’m taking is right or I’m I doing things the right way. The beauty of this is I will never know the answer until I try and fail. That is why I decided to become a blogger in the first place, I would like to say that one of my favorite things to do is writing here.

If I were to dig really deep and look inside what I consider important, I wouldn’t be able to pick. Watching as my freshman year is almost coming to an end, I’m very nostalgic or the memories I’ve made with everyone and I can’t decide what I value more. As I am right now, I want to represent those who can’t choose what they value, but I will say that I am keeping an open mind to everything.

I’m sure that their are other people who didn’t enjoy their first quarter or they kept to themselves. For those hermits who are slowly crawling out their shell. Just know you’re not the only one, although you are experiencing everything a little later than others. It’s good that you waited till you were comfortable to put yourself out there because there are people out there who crash from the adrenaline. Take it slow, so you have enough time to enjoy and make everything worthwhile, but remember time isn’t waiting for you. No pressure ;D

Remember folks slow and steady wins the race

You’re Favorite blogger signing out

New Hobbies, What’s Your’s?

One of the few things that I’ve noticed around most of the friend groups that I’ve been hanging around is, UCI Is commonly spilt up into two groups. There are those who already have their own hobbies/interest and those who are in search of on. Personally I fall under both, as I already have a hobby but I am still up to try new things that’s fun and interesting. Speaking of new, I haven’t been able to keep track of all the shows that have been popping up here and there, but I’m loving it. Before any of you flame me for this, I honestly just want to say that it’s been the most commonly asked question and I’m going to ask it “What episode of Euphoria are you on”,I’m currently on season 1 episode 4 and for starters I’m not a band wagon, I genuinely consider it a very good show.

Also got this book called “They Both Die In The End”, the title in itself basically says what the book is about, if any of you are curious. Most of you might be wondering why I decided to read a book where the main character dies in the end, but hear me out. The book itself is about two character who have 24 hours to live and the book in itself is big and I was curious as to what they could possible do in 24 hours. The way I look at it is what would you do if you were in their shoes and I couldn’t come up with an answer, so I decided to read it because it gives me a chance to look at life through a different lens.(I’ll stop fan grilling now XD)

Although I would love to sit here and continue to talk your ear off, I’m sure many of you have better things to do. I don’t really have a decent knowledge when it comes to music, so I’m open to many suggestions so I’ll be leaving my insta if any of you have any recommendations. Think of it like me helping you, help me find a hobby in music. If you’re wondering what kind of music I listen to, I love all genre’s and listen to anything as long as I like it(I don’t discriminate).

This is your favorite blogger jamming out and for most interested in recommending K-pop, my bias is V

Happy Mind, Happy Life

Alright ladies and gentlemen we are back. After going through the constant pounding of these dreadful weeks, I’m sure we have some folks out there who temporarily forgotten what a sleep schedule is or the pleasurable feeling of a good skin care routine. Well I’m here to say that you don’t have to, yes I know it’s easier said than done but you know as well as I how therapeutic hot showers can be. So take that day off from that project or midterm and go back to that daily routine, you can say I’m a bad influence but I like to see myself as a good-bad influence.

For those of us who took a little longer to join the gang, welcome. Due to your excessive dedication to stay here at UCI you have gain +1 acheivement for fully immersing yourself in winter quarter and gained a badge for a smooth transition from Fall Quarter. New Objective gained: Take care of your Mental and emotional well being. You’ve seen it here folks, if you don’t take care of yourself no one will do it for you and that is why I’m taking the initiative to follow my own advice and de-stress.

I’ve started taking my daily walks around our lovely campus, UCI makes it very easy to see lovely sunsets and if your feeling a little adventurous like me you can scale up the building for a better view. Of course safely through the stairs. Whether it be talking about how you failed or maybe passed your mid-term or exams *wink* *wink*, socializing is still the easier/efficient way to destress. Just jamming out or watching euphoria has been the go to for the past couple of weeks. If it’s still hard to figure out what to do, go to UTC, Spectrum or Target. Start off simple and take baby steps, remember mindset is everything.

Objective Completed!!

New Objective: Get Some Sleep!!…..(Accept/Decline)

Objective Declined…Alright folks this is your favorite blogger signing out

Let’s Keep The Ball Rolling…

After everything so far I think we can say that we’ve reached a checkpoint since we came to UCI and a lot has happened. I can already feel my mental state of mind slowly changing or maybe it’s because I haven’t done my homework, either way it something different. There’s a saying that my parents always told me growing up, “those who fail to learn from their mistakes are domed to repeat it”, and that is why as I go into winter quarter I intend to do better than I did in fall quarter.

Starting with making better use of the facilities, I personally think I learned everywhere on campus faster than other undergrads. The first mistake I made was after I learned about them, I made no attempt to take the initiative to take advantage of it. This quarter, I plan to not just wait till I actually have a reason to make use of my resources and instead familiarize myself earlier on. By doing this, I can be more prepared to tackle a problem and avoid having to scramble my brain on what to do last minute. Second mistake I made was my lack of effort when It came to sorting through my email. In my defense, I get about 50-100 emails every day and thats if I’m lucky enough to check it before it piles up.

Third mistake I made and hope to overcome one day(probably not going to happen) is procrastination, I didn’t necessarily put myself in situations where I had to cram. It was mostly because I could do the work at any time and because I would turn it in a little later it didn’t give me time to revise and reflect on my work because I had to study for the next course work. Since there is only so much excuses can do for you I’m not going to say anymore(even thought their really good ones), excuses just serve as restraints to further improvement.

As of now my current(still pending) goal is to have as little regrets as possible, so that’s why if there is anything that I feel like I missed out on this quarter. Next year I plan to do something even better to make up for it because college can be difficult, so anything that can bring me the slightest joy, I feel like I owe it to myself to enjoy it. That is why I want to experience as much as possible this quarter and the rest of my college years and thrive through it. Right now that classes are online, it does add to the difficulty slightly but its just a repeat of what happened last year and if they can do it so can I.

It’s you’re favorite zot blogger being the marble and sculptor for a better future signing out.