Winter 2018 – Week 7 Meeting

Hello everyone!

We hope you are having a great long weekend! As we mentioned at our last session, we wont be meeting at our usual time this week, since tomorrow is a holiday. We were initially planning on moving the meeting to later in the week, but instead, we would like to encourage you to attend a wonderful medical humanities event that is happening this Thursday! It is the First Annual Symposium on Healing and Hope: An Evening of Poetry by Patients, Family Members, and Health Professionals.

Please see the link above for more information. The event is on Thursday, Feb. 22 at 5:30pm in Humanities Gateway 1030, and will showcase how poetry can serve as a healing art for healthcare professionals and patients. There is an opportunity to mingle and eat before the event starts, as well a reception following. It is free, but please be sure to register beforehand.

The event is co-sponsored by the UCI School of Nursing, the UCI Medical Humanities Initiative, the UCISoM Program in Medical Humanities, and the Laguna Poets Workshop. It will feature medical students, professors, and doctors so we hope you can take advantage of this opportunity! Some our board members will be there, and we hope to see you there as well!

Although there is no specific article/piece this week, we will keep the comments section below open in case you have any thoughts or ideas about the event you would like to share!