Wells Fargo Foundation to Give a $50,000 Matching Grant to Viet Stories
Wells Fargo has offered a grant matching program up to $50,000 during calendar years of 2017 and 2018 for Viet Stories.
100% of your tax-deductible contributions go directly to collecting stories and educating the public about this history. Viet Stories is a non-profit project that relies on private and community donations and if we create a $2.3 million endowment, we can sustain this project in perpetuity, operating on an annual budget of $100,000.
If you are interested in helping us reach our matching grant goal, visit our donation page.
You can QUADRUPLE your gift:
Check if your company matches donations on this link (then follow up with your company for instructions). Remember, $2,000 can turn into $8,000 with your company’s match + Well Fargo’s match.