
The registration fee is $480. It covers admission to sessions, coffee breaks, daily transportation between workshop hotel Marriott at Newport Beach and the workshop venue at UCI, welcome reception, workshop banquet, and an excursion. The registration requires following steps:

    1. Fill out the Registration Form here. (You will need to log on to your Indico (FNAL site) account first. If you don’t have one, you can create one.)
    2. Pay the conference fee hereOnly participants who have completed step 1 and 2 will receive a badge and be allowed to enter the sessions. 
    3. And if you would like to give a presentation: Submit your abstract here. (You will need to log on to your Indico (FNAL site) account first. If you don’t have one, you can create one.)

To make a reservation for the conference hotel at the highly discounted group rate, follow the link here, by May 22, 2017. The number of rooms is limited, so please reserve early.