
All exams are closed book and comprehensive.   Molecular models are permitted.  There are no makeup exams.  Unexcused absences will count as a zero.  The instructor must be notified in writing prior to the exam for any excused absences due to illness, etc.

Seating for exams will be assigned, and you must know your seat assignment prior to the exam.  Please check your seat assignment prior to the midterms and final on the course website.

Map of PSLH 100 (our classroom):PSLH100map

A picture ID (UCI Student ID or Drivers License) is required to take exams.  IDs will be collected, checked, and returned during the exam.  Exams will not be accepted from students without proper identification.

Midterm 1:  

Friday May 3, in class

Midterm 1: midterm1-s19

Midterm 1, key: 51C-M1-S19-key

Note: Midterm 1 was out of 71 points, see the key for full point breakdown.

Midterm 1: Spring 18: midterm1-s18

Midterm 1 key, Spring 18, key: midterm1-S18-key

Midterm 1, fall 16:  m1-f16

Midterm 1 key, fall 2016: m1-F16-key-A

Practice problems for midterm 1:  midterm1-practice

Answer key for practice problems: there is no answer key

Midterm 1, fall 2014: midterm1-f14

Midterm 1 key, fall 2014: midterm1-f14-key-toupload

Midterm 2:

Friday May 24, in class

Midterm 2: midterm2-s19

Midterm 2, Key: 51C-M2-S19-key

Note: Midterm 1 was out of 92 points, see the key for full point breakdown.

Midterm 2, Spring 18: midterm2-s18 (Tutors will review this midterm in review session for Midterm 2)

Midterm 2 key, Spring 18: M2-S18-key-topost

Midterm 2, fall 2016: midterm2-f16

Midterm 2 key, fall 2016: M2-F16-key-A

Midterm 2 , spring 14: midterm2-s14-A

Midterm 2, spring 14: M2Key-to post

Midterm 2, fall 2014 :midterm2-f14-A

Midterm 2 key, fall 2014: Midterm2-f14-keya


Final: Wed, Jun 12, 4:00-6:00pm (our classroom)

Key: 51-final-S19-key 51-final-S19-key

Final Spring 18: 51C-final-S18

Final Spring 18 key: 51C-final-S18-key-topost

Final practice (S14): final-A-final

Final S14 key:  final-key

Final practice (F14):  final-f2014

Final F14 key:  final-f2014-key

Final F16: final-A-f16

Final F16 key: 51C-f16-final-key

Did you find a grading error?  Email the following to Professor Jarvo:

  1. Subject line: regrade
  2. Attach the pdf of your exam (unaltered)
  3. Your name
  4. Your ID number
  5. A clear and concise note explaining which problem should be regraded (e.g., please regrade #4b, no points given).