UCI Canvas Pilot: Instructor Panel (10/14, 10 am), Training and Info Sessions

Instructors & TAs, More than 45% of students, along with over 300 instructors and 180 TAs, are participating in the UCI Canvas Pilot in Fall Quarter 2015 for an opportunity to provide feedback into the future of instructional technology at UC Irvine. The results so far strongly suggest Canvas adoption is in our future and…

Assessment results: TAs, Pre-quarter, Fall 2015

About the assessment Includes all users associated as a TA for a Canvas course space during any of the three Summer sessions (1, 10-week, and 2). Response rate: 22% Participants: 43 Invitees: 194 Date range: 9/21–10/2 Email notifications: Invitations: 9/21, 9/23, 9/29 Reminders: 9/23, 9/26…

Assessment results: Instructors, Pre-quarter, Fall 2015

About the assessment Includes all users listed as an instructor of record for a course taught in the Canvas Pilot during any of the three Summer sessions (1, 10-week, and 2). Instructors are only asked to complete this survey once during the entirety of the Pilot—if they participate in multiple quarters, they will not take…