Site archived

This site is preserved as an information archive. The Canvas Pilot team found the Canvas communication & transition sites created by other higher education institutions to be an invaluable resource, and we hope that this site is equally useful to others.
To learn more about UCI Canvas, please visit:

The Office of Information Technology, in collaboration with units across campus including the Distance Learning Center, is piloting the Instructure Canvas learning management system in 2015 – 2016. This pilot expands the existing EEE offerings through a commercial LMS (Canvas) to efficiently address the increased call for third-party integration and other enhancements, without compromising EEE’s unique functionality, capabilities, and responsiveness to campus needs.

Decision to adopt Canvas announced on February 8, 2016

Based on the results of the pilot to date, the campus will be adopting Canvas: Read the full announcement • Learn more about EEE Canvas adoption

UCI Canvas Pilot Timeline

Why is UCI doing a Canvas Pilot?

The Canvas Pilot is the campus’s opportunity to evaluate the Instructure Canvas learning management system and determine its viability as a supplemental instructional technology offering. Throughout the Canvas Pilot, OIT will be distributing a variety of assessment surveys, conducting workshops and trainings, and inviting students to participate in focus groups.

Assessment Results Snapshot
Full Pilot (Spring 2015 – Winter 2016)

Each quarter, all Canvas Pilot participants (instructors, students, and TAs) are asked to submit feedback about the Pilot three times. The end-of-quarter survey also asks users to indicate a preference for Canvas or EEE. This graph summarizes the responses for this question.

All assessment results →