During the UCI Canvas Pilot, we have received many feature requests. These requests have been conveyed to Instructure by our team.
ID |
Request |
1 |
As an instructor, I want to choose from pre-defined filetypes rather than typing in file extensions so that I can easily specify allowed file types (e.g. “Microsoft Word”) without knowing corresponding file extensions (e.g. “.doc, .docx”) and with less risk of error (e.g. “.dcx”) |
2 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to include ‘All of the above’ and ‘None of the above’ answer options in my quiz questions and have those options always appear at the bottom of the answer list, regardless of randomization |
3 |
As an instructor, I want error checking performed on the allowed filetypes I specify for an assignment, so that I am prompted to correct any errors / invalid file types |
4 |
As an instructor, I want to choose whether students can receive partial credit for a multiple response question or only receive full/no credit, so that I can award partial credit where appropriate |
5 |
As an instructor, when students self-select into Canvas course space groups, I want the option to limit them to grouping with peers who share the same section from a list of sections I select |
6 |
As an instructor, I want automated group assignments to conform to section enrollment so that students are only grouped with peers who share the same section in their official enrollment |
7 |
As an instructor I want the option to enable quiz answer randomization on a per-question basis, so that I can randomize the answer order for some questions without randomizing for others |
8 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to add more than one due date on a single discussion so that I can use automated grading for a series of required posts without needing multiple discussions |
9 |
As an instructor, I want granular control over the value of each component of a multiple response question when partial credit is enabled, so that I can give more credit/punitive weight to some answers than others |
10 |
As an instructor, I want students’ section-based groups to adjust automatically if their section enrollment changes |
11 |
As a student, I want to be notified when changes in enrollment have affected my Canvas course space group associations, so that I know this happened |
12 |
As a subaccount admin, I want to be able to push course content out to all course spaces within my account, so that I can easily make content available for instructors to use |
13 |
Administration / Configuration
As a Canvas administrator, I want to enable/disable the ability for subaccount admins to customize the banner at the top of the course space at the subaccount level, so that I can make this option available only where appropriate |
14 |
As a subaccount admin, I want to be able to customize the banner at the top of the course spaces at my subaccount level without needing access to modify the Canvas environment CSS, so that I can easily add more and consistent branding to those course spaces |
15 |
Administration / Configuration
As a Canvas administrator, I want to enable/disable the ability for instructors to customize the banner at the top of the course space at the subaccount level, so that I can make this option available only where appropriate |
16 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to customize the banner at the top of my course space without needing access to modify the Canvas environment custom CSS, so that I can easily add more branding to my course space |
17 |
Administration / Configuration
As a Canvas admin, I want to set limits on the level of customization to the banner at the top of a course space at the course level, so that I can constrain the level of customization |
18 |
Administration / Configuration
As a Canvas admin, I want to set limits on the level of customization to the banner at the top of a course space at the subaccount level, so that I can constrain the level of customization |
19 |
As an instructor, I want to automatically create a conference that corresponds with an event created with scheduler so that the correct students are invited to participate in the conference |
20 |
As an instructor, I want to see standard statistics (i.e. mean, median) for a gradebook, so that I can better understand the distribution of scores |
21 |
As a student, I want to see standard statistics (i.e. mean, median) for a final grade in the gradebook, so that I can better understand how my performance compares with that of my peers |
22 |
As an instructor, I want to overwrite the automatically calculated total score within the gradebook, so that I can adjust student grades or enter a custom code that is understood by my campus systems (i.e. ‘I’ for Incomplete) |
23 |
As an instructor, I want to specify the maximum length of students’ responses to an essay question in a quiz so that I can appropriately constrain different answers |
24 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to override or set configuration limits on my students’ notification settings for my class so that I can ensure they receive crucial messages |
25 |
As an instructor, I want to maintain multiple distinct gradebooks for a single class so that I can track some assignments, grades, and related information separately |
26 |
As an instructor, I want to set a custom grading penality for late assignment submissions that will automatically be applied |
27 |
As an instructor, I want to allow students to submit more than one type of assignment content (e.g. both a video and text in an open input field) for a single assignment |
28 |
As an instructor, if I gain the ability to allow students to submit more than one type of assignment content (e.g. both a video and text in an open input field) for a single assignment, I also want to specify how many of each item may be submitted (maximum) |
29 |
As an instructor, if I gain the ability to allow students to submit more than one type of assignment content (e.g. both a video and text in an open input field) for a single assignment, I also want to specify how many of each item must be submitted (minimum) for the assignment submission to be considered complete |
30 |
As an instructor, I want assignments muted by default so that I do not accidentally release student grade information prematurely |
31 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to mute multiple assignments in bulk so that I can quickly and easily adjust the settings for many assignments |
32 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to access and use my full quiz bank from any of my courses so that I can always reuse my content without needing to have it shared via the commons, at the subaccount, or account level |
33 |
As an instructor, I want to specify whether students can receive partial credit vs. all-or-nothing on multiple select questions if they select some correct responses, some incorrect answeroptions, and/or leave some correct options unselected |
34 |
As an instructor, I want my Quiz settings to default to -not- release results so that I do not accidentally release information prematurely |
35 |
As an instructor, I want my Quiz settings to default to -not- release the correct answers so that I do not accidentally release information prematurely |
36 |
As an instructor, I want to specify per-question time limits in my quizzes so that I can require students to move through each page in a multi-page quiz as a predetermined rate |
37 |
As an instructor, I want to upload rubric information from a file so that I can more quickly and easily configure my rubric(s) |
38 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to specify file name requirements for assignment submissions so that I can ensure all students submit files that follow a particular pattern |
39 |
As an instructor, I want a clearer visual indicator that a student completed an assignment late |
40 |
As an instructor, I want a reminder/warning mechanism if the availability date/time for a piece of course content (e.g. an assignment) passes without that item being published |
41 |
As an instructor, I want to make speed grader comments in-line on student assignments (or in some way more clearly tied to particular parts of an assignment) |
42 |
As an instructor, I want to upload a zip full of files names according to students’ individual identifiers, then have those files automatically distributed only to the correct individual students |
43 |
As an instructor, I want a clear confirmation state for all destructive choices (e.g. deleting a quiz question) |
44 |
As an instructor, I want the option to add a short message when I choose the ‘notify users this [content] has changed’ setting so that I can provide more information to students that will reduce the likelihood I am inundated with questions when I make changes |
45 |
As an instructor, I want the ‘View as student’ option to be more accurate to a student’s view when look at an unpublished course space so I do not have any uncertainly about what is or is not availble to my students |
46 |
As an instructor, I want ‘Save & Continue’ options any time I am working on course content (e.g. syllabus, pages, quizzes, etc.) so I can frequently save my work without exiting the editing interface and re-entering it every time |
47 |
As an instructor, I want to schedule peer reviews that must occur by an assignment’s due date rather than afterwards so that I can require students to complete their peer reviews as part of the requirements of the assignment |
48 |
As an instructor, I want to specify which tools are or are not available to students groups so that I can guide student groups in working through particular tools |
49 |
As an instructor, I want to adjust the formatting of my syllabus (e.g. move calendar to top, suppress calendar) so that I have more control over what information is displayed and how it is shown |
50 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to import content into my gradebook that includes comments, so that I can quickly easily import complete grade records (not just scores, but comments as well) from another source without reentering them manually |
51 |
As an instructor, I want to allow students to post semi-anonymously to a discussion board so that their posts are identified when I or other instructional staff view them, but anonymous to their peers |
52 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to mute assignments in my gradebook according to sections of my course, so that I can disclose grade information to different sections at different times |
53 |
User Interface
As an instructor, TA, student, or other role with a formal enrollment in a course space that is publicly viewable, I want to automatically be directed to the logged-in state in my course space rather than the read-only public state, so I can more quickly and easily find my way to enrollment-only course activities and content |
54 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to override the automatically calculated final scores for an individual student |
55 |
As an instructor, I want the Attendance tool to be usable for large classes with many sections |
56 |
As an instructor, I want to assign a quiz to specific individuals, rather than my full class or a course section |
57 |
As a student, I want to see a clearer indication of what timezone an assignment due date is based upon so that I don’t get mixed up when changing locations or devices in a way that impacts my timezone and/or the timezone shown in Canvas |
58 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to filter assignment and quiz submissions to show only new (or recent) submissions |
59 |
As an instructor, I want to see aggregated statistics for discussions (i.e. who posted on the discussion, how many posts each person submitted, how many words/characters were included in each post), so I can award assignment points based on quantity of participation by the students |
60 |
As an instructor, I want to create a quiz question that will accept multiple numeric or formula answers, so I can include a question with multiple numeric or formula correct answers |
61 |
As an instructor, I want to set two clear due dates on peer review assignments: one due date for the initial assignment submission and a separtate due date for peer review completion |
62 |
As an instructor, I want the Attendance tool to sort my students according to their sections |
63 |
As an instructor, I want the Attendance tool to limit my TAs’ ability to track attendance to those students enrollment in the sections to which the individual TAs are associated |
64 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to export content from my gradebook, including comments, so I can have a back-up copy of my records or get that content out in a way I can import elsewhere |
65 |
As an instructor, I want an ‘undo’ action that I can take after any destructive action (e.g. deleting a quiz question) so I can easily recover from mistakes |
66 |
As an instructor, I want to give an individual student an extended deadline on a quiz without changing the deadline for the rest of the class so that I can add exceptions when a student has a legitimate reason to need an alternate schedule |
67 |
Administration / Configuration
As an AWT Administrator, I want to retrieve muted assignments in the Canvas API, so I can obtain a more accurate copy of the gradebook through the API |
68 |
As an instructor, I want to send a file to a specific student through Canvas, so I can return work in a FERPA compliant manner |
69 |
As an instructor, I want to create a default quiz configuration that can then be applied to all new quizzes that are created in the course space, so I don’t have to manually set the same configurations for multiple quizzes |
70 |
As an instructor, I want to choose when my edits to a quiz question should or should not be applied to the saved question in my question bank so that I can determine when a change is just for a particular quiz, versus when I want that change to apply to future uses of a saved question |
71 |
As an instructor, I want to customize the contents of the notification message that is sent to students, so I can include additional clarification regarding the activity for the students |
72 |
As an instructor, I want a clearer indication of when my edits to a quiz will or will not trigger re-grading so that I understand what to expect |
73 |
As a group member, I want to be able to tell whether or not a group in my menu is course-affiliated or non-course-affiliated so I do not get confused |
74 |
As a Canvas administrator, I want to be able to add a user to more than one group within a single group set so that I do not need groups within a set to be mutually exclusive |
75 |
As a Canvas administrator, I want to be able to set an option at the group set level to determine whether or not groups within that set have mutually esclusive membership so that I can prevent a user being in more than one group when they should not be, but allow a user to be in more than one group within a set when that should be permissable |
76 |
As a student, I want to delete a message that is posted in the course chat, so I can ensure the post is NOT included in the course archive |
77 |
As a Canvas administrator, I want to be able to import a .csv or other file with a list of user names to add to a remove from an existing group so that I can easily remove multiple individuals in bulk |
78 |
As an instructor, I want to create a quiz question group that contains a number of questions of which students have to answer only a subset of their choosing, so I can allow students to answer the questions they are most confident with. |
79 |
As a student, I want to be able to pick a specified number of questions to answer within a question group, so I can attain the highest score possible on a quiz. |
80 |
As an instructor, I want to equally weight quizzes that have different point values within a weighted assignment group, so I can ensure normalization of quiz values. |
81 |
As a student, I want to see a visual indication of a discussion post that is added by an instructor or TA, so I can distinguish them from the posts of my classmates |
82 |
As an instructor or TA, I want my profile to have a visual indication that I am an instructor or TA so that the students can easily identify content and materials that I have added to the course space |
83 |
As an instructor, I want to configure all dates within my course based on relative dates so that I can set dates based on the location within the teaching term |
84 |
As a student, I want to see dates displayed both as absolute dates (i.e. 7/15/2015) and relative (i.e. Wednesday, Week 3), so I can better plan my instructional work |
85 |
As an instructor, I want greater flexibility over how multiple choice questions are graded, so I can configure the automated grading more accurately. |
86 |
As an instructor, I want greater flexibility over how multiple answer questions are graded, so I can configure the automated grading more accurately. |
87 |
As an instructor, I want the ability to moderate the course chat (i.e. remove messages, edit my own messages, and add a comment specific to other students’ messages), so I can ensure that only appropriate posts appear in the course archive |
88 |
As a Canvas administrator, I want to be able to import a .csv or other file with a list of user names to add to a new or existing group so that I can easily add multiple individuals in bulk |
89 |
As a student, I want to edit a message that is posted in the course chat, so that I can modify the information that is included in the course archive |
90 |
As an instructor, I want to distribute a quiz that students receive full credit for completing, but that still provides contextual feedback on their correct or incorrect responses |
91 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to manually trigger re-grading of a quiz if I have made changes that do not automatically cause that to occur, but that do impact how students would be graded |
92 |
As a student, I want to configure notifications for instructor-customized messages differently than for Canvas-generated messages, so I can be sure to receive imporant communication about the class |
93 |
As an instructor, I want to see a clearer indication of when my edits to a quiz question will or will not cause the saved version of the question in my question bank to be updated as well so that I can understand what is happening |
94 |
As a Canvas user, I want to specify whether or not I am subscribed to a discussion when I post something, so I can determine how many email notifications I receive |
95 |
As an instructor, I want to know how many times an item (i.e. page, discussion, assignment) has been viewed, so I understand how students are interacting with course content |
96 |
As an instructor, I want to create a default quiz configuration that can then be applied to all existing quizzes in the course space, so I don’t have to manually set the same configurations for multiple quizzes |
97 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to copy an item from within a module, so I don’t have to introduce a new item with the same settings |
98 |
User Interface
As a student, when I sign up for a specific timeslot, I want the scheduler for that timeslot to be removed, so I don’t see two different entries for the same event |
99 |
As a student, I want to use Crocodoc to add anonymous in-line feedback within an anonymous peer review assignment, so I can provide more complete feedback to the original student |
100 |
As an instructor, I want to see all in-line peer review comments for a specific submission within a single file, so I don’t have to compare multiple versions of the peer review comments to provide a score |
101 |
As an instructor, I want to determine whether a notification is sent from Canvas when I mute or unmute assignments, so I can ensure the system does not seen unnecessary emails |
102 |
As a student, I want to retain access to the posts I submit to a group discussion before I am associated with a group, so that I can refer back to all of the content I have submitted |
103 |
As a student, if I am asked to participate in a group discussion, I want to be required to be associated with a group before I can participate in the discussion, so I post my content to the most appropriate discussion (i.e. group-level, not course-level) |
104 |
Administration / Configuration
As an AWT Administrator, when I am looking at the user activity logs, I want to be able to distinguish between actions made by the user as opposed to those taken by an admin who is masqueraded at the time, so I can more acurately understand the user’s history in Canvas. |
105 |
As an instructor, I want to acquire a checklist of students who have signed up for a specific section using Scheduler, so I can take attendance and add notes for each student. |
106 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to sort the names of the students who have signed up for a specific timeslot in Scheduler, so I can more easily utilize the information. |
107 |
As a student, when I view a quiz that has ungraded questions, I want to see an indication that the questions are not graded, so I don’t think I receive a grade of 0 on those questions. |
108 |
As an instructor, if I am creating a survey, I do not want to select correct/incorrect answer options, so I do not mistakenly think there will be quiz will be graded. |
109 |
As an instructor, I would like to be able to make a conference recording available to all students (including those who were not invited), so that I can make the content more broadly available. |
109.1 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to retroactively change the settings of a conference, so that I can make it available to students or change titles/descriptions. |
110 |
As a Canvas user, I want to be able to delete multiple events on my calendar at once, so I can quickly and easily clean up the entries and maintain a clean calendar |
111 |
As an instructor, I would like to see a visual indication that a quiz has no questions, so I know that I need to add questions before the quiz becomes available to students. |
112 |
As a student, if my instructor has opted to treat all ungraded assignments as ‘0’, I want to see the same calculated grade that my instructor sees |
113 |
As an instructor, I want to delete a student’s in progress submission, so I can prompt the Canvas to provide them with an updated version of the quiz. |
114 |
As an instructor, I want to be warned when I am publishing a quiz with no questions, so I can add questions prior to publishing |
115 |
As an instructor, I would like to hide the assignment groups and their weights from the gradebook, so that students see only their scores on individual assignments. |
116 |
As an instructor, I would like to configure my assignment groups to take the average of all associated assignments within the calculation, so I can use the gradebook to automatically calculate the scores |
117 |
As a student, I would like to see the instructor feedback on discussions that are assignments without accessing the gradebook, so I can read and respond to the feedback. |
118 |
As an instructor, I would like to customize when the email notifications of conferences are sent, so I can ensure that students receive the information in a timely manner. |
119 |
As an instructor, when I import content into a Canvas course space, I want to be able to opt to import all items as unpublished, so I can make modifications to the materials before publishing |
120 |
As an instructor, I would like to have an ‘Other / Text box’ option as an option within a multiple choice and multiple select question, so I can collect additional responses to a specific question. |
121 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to update the point values for questions in bulk, so I can configure the point values on the quiz as a whole, instead of each question individually. |
122 |
As an instructor, I want to have access to a ‘Cancel’ button in the discussion editor, so I can leave the window without making any changes. |
123 |
User Interface
As a student, I want to see a different label for the type of assignment submission that is accepted, so I am not confused about the status of my submission. |
124 |
As an instructor, I would like to access the ‘Moderate Quiz’ function before the quiz is published, so I can configure exceptions prior to publication. |
125 |
As an instructor, I want to use the rich text editor to configure my text to wrap around an image, so I can control how the page is displayed. |
126 |
As a Canvas user, I would like to access the HTML5 version of the conferencing tool, so I can avoid using the Flash version. |
127 |
As a student, I would like to be able to access my quiz submissions when using the mobile app, so I can review my submissions and the correct answers (if available by the instructor). |
128 |
As an instructor, I would like to configure the information about assignments that appear within the module listing, so I can avoid confusion about the relative value of each assignment. |
129 |
As a student, I would like to know the status of quizzes that are not yet graded, so that I don’t think I am receiving no points on the quiz. |
130 |
As a student, I want to see all of the Collaborations associated with my group in the Group Space, so that I can keep track of all shared documents. |
131 |
As an instructor, I would like to see all the responses to an essay question in a single window, so I can compare the responses and determine scores. |
132 |
As an instructor, I would like to score all student responses to an essay question in a single window, so I can expedite the entry of scores. |
133 |
As an instructor, I would like to provide feedback on a specific question for all students after the quiz has been taken, so I can address gaps in understanding at the course level |
134 |
As an instructor, I would like to import the scores for each student’s response to each question in a quiz, so that I can perform the grading outside of Canvas, but make the scores available within Canvas. |
135 |
As a Canvas User, I would like to be able to configure signature text that I can use in Conversations, so that I can automatically include a footer on all messages. |
136 |
As an instructor, I want to be able to modify all dates for all assignments in a single “bulk edit” page, so I can more efficiently adjust assignment dates. |
137 |
As an instructor, I would like to configure a quiz so that I could set a deadline by which the automated scores are sent to the gradebook, then allow students to retake the quiz additional times for personal enrichment, so that I can allow students to gain additional understanding by retaking the quiz. |
138 |
As an instructor, I would like to customize where the rubric is displayed in assignments, discussions, and SpeedGrader, so I can effectively use the screen space that is available to me. |
139 |
As an instructor, I would like to set a default grade for a quiz essay question, so I can more efficiently assign scores for each quiz. |
140 |
As a student, I would like to remove assignment submissions that were uploaded in error, so I can ensure my instructor sees only the documents I intend them to see. |
141 |
As an instructor, I would like to add an academic honesty statement that must be agreed to for each quiz, so I can ensure students are aware of the applicable policies |
142 |
As an instructor, I would like to add an academic honesty statement that must be agreed to for each assigment, so I can ensure students are aware of the applicable policies |
143 |
If an academic honesty statement is added to quizzes, then as as an instructor, I would like to customize the language in the academic honesty statement, so I can ensure that it is appropriate for the individual assessment. |
144 |
If an academic honesty statement is added to assignments, then as as an instructor, I would like to customize the language in the academic honesty statement, so I can ensure that it is appropriate for the individual assessment. |
145 |
As an instructor, I would like to see course analytics based on points, rather than the 100% scale, so the numbers and charts will more accurately reflect the actual scores in the course. |
146 |
As an instructor, I want to highlight text provide annotations above the text (like the strikethrough process), so I can quickly and easily provide feedback on text within the document. |
147 |
As an instructor, I want to mark a student as ‘Excused’ in the Roll Call tool, so I can know which students are exempt from attendance points for a particular day. |
148 |
If I can mark students as excused, I would like to automatically identify a maximum number of excused sessions, so I can rely on the system to keep track of this information. |
149 |
As an instructor, I would like to specify a number of sessions as excused, so I can provide a grace period for students. |
150 |
As a student, I want to see the badges that have been assigned by my instructor, so I can better understand my performance in the class. |
151 |
As an instructor, I would like the ability to make a badge public to the student, so I can communicate achievement (or lack thereof) to the students. |
152 |
As an instructor, I would like to assign a point value to the badges, so that the assignment of badges could be calculated into the attendance score. |
153 |
As an instructor, I would like the option to regrade a quiz if I change the points possible on any given question, so I don’t have to manually update the scores. |
154 |
As an instructor, I want to customize the assignment due date for a group, so that I can adjust when each group must submit the assignment. |
155 |
As an instructor, I would like to craft an assignment where students present distinct drafts at specific times, and I am able to give a separte score for each draft as well as the final product, so I can incorporate student growth into the final score. |
156 |
As an instructor, I would like the option to regrade a quiz if I remove a question, so I don’t have to manually update the scores. |
157 |
As an instructor, I want to submit essay questions within a quiz to Turnitin review, so I can obtain an originality score. |
158 |
As an instructor, I want to create a single assignment with a bank of instructions or prompts that are randomly assigned, so I can ensure that not all students receive the same prompt. |
159 |
As an instructor, I want to be notified that the time for all dates (i.e. Due, Available From and Until) are automatically set to 11:59 pm, so that I can customize that if needed. |
160 |
As a student, I would like to see the details that were used to calculate my attendance score, so I can know when I was marked present, absent and late. |
161 |
As an instructor, I would like to be able to retrieve an attendance report based on student name, so that I can easily recover the data that is used to calculate the students’ attendance score. |
162 |
As an instructor, I want to see the title of the item I am deleting in the confirmation pop-up, so I am sure I do not delete items I want to retain. |
163 |
As an instructor, I want the capability to add notes to an individual student’s profile within my course space, so I can maintain internal notes. |
164 |
As a student, I would like to add a nickname to my profile, so everyone uses my preferred name. |
165 |
As an instructor, I would like to add a nickname to my profile, so everyone uses my preferred name. |
166 |
As an instructor, I would like to copy a scheduler slot, so that all the settings and calendar selection are automatically copied in the new template. |
167 |
As an instructor, I would like a draft state for scheduler slots, so I can create the slots, then make them available as needed. |
168 |
As an instructor, I would like to be able to schedule the available date for a scheduler slot, so I can be sure students are signing up for the slots at the appropriate time. |
169 |
As an instructor, if I add a rubric to an assignment, I would like the default to be that the rubric is used for grading, so I can be sure the assignment score is automatically updated. |
170 |
As an instructor, I would like to mute an assignment for individual students while I am scoring their work, so I can release the scores for the rest of the class. |
171 |
As a instructor, I want to duplicate questions within a question bank, so I can easily create derivatives of questions within a question bank. |
172 |
As an instructor, I would like to access the badges within the attendance data download, so I can see an overview of which students have been awarded which badges. |
173 |
As a Canvas user, when I copy content from Microsoft Word, I would like to be able to paste it into the Rich Text Editor with the formatting removed, so that my content displays appropriately. |
174 |
As an instructor, I would like to generate an attendance report based on Secondary ID, rather than SIS ID, so that I can obtain the information I need. |
175 |
As an instructor, I would like to curve the final grade, as I do the individual assignment scores, so I have greater flexibility with configuring final grades. |
176 |
As an instructor, I would like to hide the course-level grading scheme, so that I can ensure the students do not see incorrect or in-progress final letter grades. |
177 |
User Interface
In the updated user interface, I would like to see the ‘Grades’ link on the main menu to the far left, so I can quickly access my grades. |
178 |
As a Canvas User, I would like a view of my calendar(s) that provides all event/assignment details on one page, so I can easily use the full information included in the calendar. |
179 |
As an instructor, I would like the option to export all of my course as a PDF package, so I can have a printable (and long term) archive. |
180 |
As an instructor, I would like the option to export parts of my course as a PDF package, so I can have a printable (and long term) archive. |
181 |
As a student, I would like the option to export all of my course as a PDF package, so I can have a printable (and long term) archive. |
182 |
As an instructor, I would like to be able to import notes for each student into the gradebook, so I can easily add information that is displayed within the gradebook. |
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As an instructor, I would like to have custom grade schemes that obscure letter equivalents, so I can ensure students do not focus on numeric scores. |
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As an instructor, I would like to specify not only the filetype, but the filename for assignment submissions, so I can ensure standardization of the files in the submission download. |
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As an instructor, I would like to specify a maximum number of assignment submissions that are allowed, so I can configure the number of versions of a submission that I will accept. |
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As a member of a group who did not submit the assignment, I would like to see the full instructor feedback, so I can benefit from the information directly. |
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As an instructor, I would like to configure a quiz so that students who have not taken the graded quiz can access the questions and feedback, so that they can benefit from the information within the quiz. |
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As a student, I would like to be able to access quiz questions with feedback even if I have not yet submitted the quiz, so I can learn from the assesment. |