What is included
- Standard Canvas installation with UCI branding and WebAuth integration
- Limited initial integrations, including Google Drive (collaborations and assignment submissions) and BigBlueButton (web conferencing) will be enabled
- Automatic enrollment updates (approximately every 2 hours, as with EEE)
- Ability to add your assistants using the new “Canvas Course Space” option in EEE Assistants
- Ability to access your course spaces from MyEEE
- Ability for your students to access your published course spaces from MyEEE
- EEE Support via eee@uci.edu, 949-824-2222, and as-needed consultation for any technical questions or assistance (just like with EEE)
- Full access to all EEE tools and resources
- Full access to self-diagnostic and official evaluations on EEE for yourself and your TAs
What isn’t included
- Most third-party LTI-based integrations, such as Piazza
- Note: Turnitin.com integration was enabled during Spring Quarter 2015
- Sandbox courses — we encourage you to try out a free teacher account with Canvas
What we need from you
- Ask us questions whenever you have any — we’re here to help you achieve success with the pilot
- Inform your students that your course will be using Canvas — we’ll provide some samples you can use or adapt for an email to your class mail list(s)
- Complete a pre-, mid- , and post-quarter assessment
- Encourage students to complete pre-, mid-, and post-quarter assessments
- EEE will create, host, and distribute the assessments via the SurveyMonkey and the EEE class mail lists tool directly to your students, but we need your help to ensure a high response rate
- EEE will send email notifications and reminder emails to your class mail lists to encourage responding to the assessments
- Email notifications are sent when the assessments open
- Email reminders are sent periodically throughout the assessment period
- Authorization for us to add an EEE Support account via EEE Assistants to your pilot classes (including past classes if you are asking for assistance migrating content)
What you can expect from us
- Hands-on training workshops (dates to be announced)
- Lead time to prepare your course in Canvas ahead of the quarter (at least 1 month)
- Responsive phone, email, and in-person assistance from your EEE Support team
- Self service online documentation at: http://help.eee.uci.edu/canvas/ — this will be expanded before the pilot, as well as throughout based upon your usage & feedback
- Announcements about new features and Canvas Pilot Project progress at: https://sites.uci.edu/canvaspilot/
- Automated enrollment updates in Canvas (just like EEE)
Data we’ll be collecting & sharing
- What kind of data will we be collecting:
- Limited student demographic data, including year/level and major
- Your tool usage, including numbers of quizzes created/published, quiz response rate, numbers of discussions, and so on
- Number of classes and enrollments
- Quantitative information about user satisfaction with features, support, and the Pilot itself
- What kind of data will we be sharing:
- Participating courses, instructors, and academic disciplines (schools/departments)
- Course sizes and types (e.g. small seminars, large lectures)
- Aggregate, anonymous information based upon the data collected above (e.g. aggregated assessment results)
We will never distribute any information about grades or student identities